Opening a bunch of dungeon chests gets you a bunch of gold items. A lot of them go right to the merchant, a rare few are sellable right there, and the rest are interesting...not exactly "this is crap, merch" but the skins aren't in-demand enough to be worth a lot. So here's a ton of that stuff I've collected in my chest over the past while. Unless otherwise noted, the price for each item is 2k.
Guardian Spear, q9, inscribable
Dragon Spire Staff, q9 inspiration, inscribable
Air Staff, q9, inscribable
Amber Wand, q10 divine favor, HCT spells (10%), energy +5^50
Platinum Sickles, q9, inscribable
Exalted Aegis, q12 command, inscribable
Korambits, q9, inscribable
Brass Spear, q10, inscribable
Tribal Spear, q11, inscribable
Gold item storage cleanout
Bump hurray.