I returned to the game after a ~2 year break not too long ago. I found some items in my storage and on heroes and I was wondering if any of them were still worth anything. From what I've seen so far I'm afraid most has been turned into merchant trash but rather save than sorry.
The items:
Thanks beforehand for any help.
PC on several items
Bright Star Shine
Echovald: nice for a collector, might get up to 10-15e
Amethyst: 10-15k for the skin
Chaos Axe: 30-40k
salvage the +20% ench spear mod from the brass spear, it can get you like 8-10k
I would merch all the rest tbh, but some items might get like 5-10k ea. Also, some mods might fetch 3-5k, like the 20% ench ones and the +5e
Amethyst: 10-15k for the skin
Chaos Axe: 30-40k
salvage the +20% ench spear mod from the brass spear, it can get you like 8-10k
I would merch all the rest tbh, but some items might get like 5-10k ea. Also, some mods might fetch 3-5k, like the 20% ench ones and the +5e
Tender Care
agreed on echovald!