ZVq for 3-26; Lornar's Pass
Ok, I know it's something you are going to have to face if you want the Vq title for Prophecies, but it forces you to go with only 6, or go the long way from Gunnar's.
Definitely worth more than 250 coins, just sayin.
Definitely worth more than 250 coins, just sayin.
It's a difficult VQ but I did it before with 3 heroes and 2 henchmen without cons, definitely doable. Easier with 5 heroes now or with more than 1 human of course. Maybe save the ZV until you get Snake Dance / Dreadnought's Drift as well?
Well this is still one i skip for today. I already got the title, just playing for fun. This particular vanquish = not fun
I did it last year with a 6-man party out of Beacon's. Once we had a good monk, it went very smoothly.
Just VQed Varajar Fells and I can't say that I enjoyed it... I hate popups. It's big area and it felt waaaay longer VQ than 1h 30min it took. Decided that I'm not going for VQ titles...
Hey, you can always do it without the bonus coins, you know.
discordway and win man srs.
Lornar's isn't hard at all, just reasonably big, I did it with heroes/henchies not long ago.
With a full party of heroes, like most things in the game now, it is easy peasy, provided of course you take a suitable team setup, and take some care with pulls.
As for "worth", z-coins are a bonus, be glad you are getting any. Indeed one quarter of a gold coin seems rather a lot for a simple vanquish if you ask me
With a full party of heroes, like most things in the game now, it is easy peasy, provided of course you take a suitable team setup, and take some care with pulls.
As for "worth", z-coins are a bonus, be glad you are getting any. Indeed one quarter of a gold coin seems rather a lot for a simple vanquish if you ask me

Chop it Off
Vqing lornar is easy. did it in like 20 minutes with a friend.
Bright Star Shine
Can 6 man this one half hour no cons.
when i vq'ed that area, i started at camp rankor and went all the way up to beacons. figured since i needed to do it all eventually, might was well do it all at once with an 8 man party.
melissa b
I lul'd
Vqing lornar is easy. did it in like 20 minutes with a friend. |
If your going for the title than think of it as a free extra that wasn't available to past vanquers pre-update. If your not going for title, than yeah its not worth doing just for the coins.
Before update you didn't get any reward except for gold. Now you get zcoins. I don't see a problem here.
when i vq'ed that area, i started at camp rankor and went all the way up to beacons. figured since i needed to do it all eventually, might was well do it all at once with an 8 man party.
Snake Dance wouldn't be so annoying if not for the sheer size of it...
I vanquished it from Beacons with little trouble using heroes. Its not that hard of a vanquish, but it certainly can seem hard if you dont use proper tactics and decent builds for the stone summit groups.
I first (almost) did it with a human team, except for someone decided to click on take us to UW with ONLY one mob left. Needless to say, there was quite the bashing party after that........We had some issues killing the 3 Dolyak crew, but I was able to pull some simple tactics to get things done. Thats when I just said screw it and went with heroes.
Theres no reason to leave from rankor when it can simply be done from beacons.
I first (almost) did it with a human team, except for someone decided to click on take us to UW with ONLY one mob left. Needless to say, there was quite the bashing party after that........We had some issues killing the 3 Dolyak crew, but I was able to pull some simple tactics to get things done. Thats when I just said screw it and went with heroes.
Theres no reason to leave from rankor when it can simply be done from beacons.
X Solo God X
Panic Mes
SoGM Spirit Spammer
Me - Rt/A - AP Caller with Ancestors Rage, Spirit Rift, Spirit Siphon and FoFM.
Cleared it with ease - non stop pulls basically when allowed and no troubles in any encounters.
Note: Left from Beacons. It can be done easily with heroes.
Panic Mes
SoGM Spirit Spammer
Me - Rt/A - AP Caller with Ancestors Rage, Spirit Rift, Spirit Siphon and FoFM.
Cleared it with ease - non stop pulls basically when allowed and no troubles in any encounters.
Note: Left from Beacons. It can be done easily with heroes.
Completed with my ranger with heroes since no one wanted a ranger. Attempted twice with rit in pugs and failed due to players not having a clue ... lol!
Bright Star Shine
Indeed, I also did it back in the day, only I started from Deldrimor War Camp, because we didn't have those 7 shiny heroes yet, and people seem to forget that henchies from Rankor are terrible, whilst those from Deld camp are semi-mehish, they're better than Allisa and crew though..
Snake dance was a cakewalk, it was just LONG, Dreadnought's was just careful pulling, but other than that, meh. Only trouble I ran into in Lornar's was the humongous stone summit group with like 5 healers.. I was so stupid to take them on the very last (also this was prior to summoning stones), so after they wiped me once, bye bye minions.. Had to pop 2 powerstones (each at 30% dp) but I got them down nonetheless, but a pain it was, ffs.. For some retarded reason, those 3 mobs spawned on top of each other, and pulling them apart wasn't possible..
Snake dance was a cakewalk, it was just LONG, Dreadnought's was just careful pulling, but other than that, meh. Only trouble I ran into in Lornar's was the humongous stone summit group with like 5 healers.. I was so stupid to take them on the very last (also this was prior to summoning stones), so after they wiped me once, bye bye minions.. Had to pop 2 powerstones (each at 30% dp) but I got them down nonetheless, but a pain it was, ffs.. For some retarded reason, those 3 mobs spawned on top of each other, and pulling them apart wasn't possible..
Droks run vq in general isnt too bad as long as you research the areas beforehand like everything. Most fun of all of them or me.
Indeed, I also did it back in the day, only I started from Deldrimor War Camp, because we didn't have those 7 shiny heroes yet, and people seem to forget that henchies from Rankor are terrible, whilst those from Deld camp are semi-mehish, they're better than Allisa and crew though..
mr monk rupsie
I did it with a full pug group. (as monk).
SoS rit, splinter ranger, paragon, ele, mo (me), 2nd rit (no spirits).
It was bloody hard (especially a particular ele kept dying). But if you camp behind the spirits and make your way towards the grentz shrine, things get easier.
SoS rit, splinter ranger, paragon, ele, mo (me), 2nd rit (no spirits).
It was bloody hard (especially a particular ele kept dying). But if you camp behind the spirits and make your way towards the grentz shrine, things get easier.
It's a difficult VQ but I did it before with 3 heroes and 2 henchmen without cons, definitely doable. Easier with 5 heroes now or with more than 1 human of course. Maybe save the ZV until you get Snake Dance / Dreadnought's Drift as well?

Indeed, I also did it back in the day, only I started from Deldrimor War Camp, because we didn't have those 7 shiny heroes yet, and people seem to forget that henchies from Rankor are terrible, whilst those from Deld camp are semi-mehish, they're better than Allisa and crew though..
Snake dance was a cakewalk, it was just LONG, Dreadnought's was just careful pulling, but other than that, meh. Only trouble I ran into in Lornar's was the humongous stone summit group with like 5 healers.. I was so stupid to take them on the very last (also this was prior to summoning stones), so after they wiped me once, bye bye minions.. Had to pop 2 powerstones (each at 30% dp) but I got them down nonetheless, but a pain it was, ffs.. For some retarded reason, those 3 mobs spawned on top of each other, and pulling them apart wasn't possible.. |