Hello, I would really appreciate price check on: [all gold and inscriable]
Platinum Wand [req9/10/11/12~fire~earth~air]
Frog Scepter [req9/10/11/12 fire~earth~air]
Celestial Compass [req9/10/11/12 fire~earth~air]
Bone Dragon Staff [req9/10/11/12 fire~earth~air]
Obsidian Edge [req9/10/11/12]
Voltaic Spear [req9/10/11/12]
Oaken Aegis [req9 tactics]
Aureate Aegis [req9 tactics]
Summit Warlord Shield [req9 tactics]
I ve found many of these in previous threads, but i would like to know current prices of above stated items. Thx in advance
Price Check, Please Answer
platinum wands does not exist as fire earth and air as inscriptables.
voltaic q9 40e q10 35e q11 30e q12 25-30e
oaken req9tactics 10-25k
aureate aegis doesnt exist as tactics
summit warlord 10k
voltaic q9 40e q10 35e q11 30e q12 25-30e
oaken req9tactics 10-25k
aureate aegis doesnt exist as tactics
summit warlord 10k
Ty, i dont have a clue about some of that weapons, so apologize my mistakes like these with platinum wands