Mouth of Torment Hero's
So I'm having trouble vanquishing a few areas around the Mouth of Torment (Joko's Domain specifically) in which I have to kill large groups of Awakened when not in the wurm.
The problem is I'm getting blasted way too fast and for too much damage, and can't actually do anything.
My build is myself as either SoS, or curses (I'm ele so i usually go with secondary in HM) 3 Disc, Panic Mes, Heal/prot monk (tried both to no avail), SoS rit, and a ranger for Frozen Soil.
I realize this build is not so great for this zone, but I'm not sure what would suffice to mitigate all of that damage and still be able to do decent damage.
Would really appreciate any help with this guys!
The problem is I'm getting blasted way too fast and for too much damage, and can't actually do anything.
My build is myself as either SoS, or curses (I'm ele so i usually go with secondary in HM) 3 Disc, Panic Mes, Heal/prot monk (tried both to no avail), SoS rit, and a ranger for Frozen Soil.
I realize this build is not so great for this zone, but I'm not sure what would suffice to mitigate all of that damage and still be able to do decent damage.
Would really appreciate any help with this guys!
Forget the ranger, make your sos rit go /r and bring fs. Bring a derv for holy dmg. Bring a prot smiter monk to give another melee holy dmg. I used those three back when there I had to used henchmen and it still worked. In undead areas, holy dmg/smite> discord
Discord is a massive fail in any area.
Best advide I can give for those areas is bring DP removal, since using wurms is a 1 way ticket to DP heavan (That badly sounds like a porn film). Use at least 1 RoJ, and those undead mobs will explode, maybe even go RoJ yourself if you don't fancy the ele skills in HM.
Best advide I can give for those areas is bring DP removal, since using wurms is a 1 way ticket to DP heavan (That badly sounds like a porn film). Use at least 1 RoJ, and those undead mobs will explode, maybe even go RoJ yourself if you don't fancy the ele skills in HM.
Yeah I've been reading more about it and I'm coming to understand its not so great for alot of things.
Really used to to get through nm on campaigns and some HM stuff but I'm looking to re-order and get a new semi-regular build for my heros, just not sure what to do yet heh.
I will slap RoJ on two hero's and watch em burn
thanks guys
Really used to to get through nm on campaigns and some HM stuff but I'm looking to re-order and get a new semi-regular build for my heros, just not sure what to do yet heh.
I will slap RoJ on two hero's and watch em burn

thanks guys
Switch the ranger. Also remember to kill the Acolytes first because they will rez others. next on the list will be the Thought Leeches. Do not worry so much about the giants until the casters are dead. I use SOS on my ranger with discord and it works well so I do not think that discord is lacking there. It might be because of other reasons. I usually bring a derv with me though. The damages can be amazing. On some runs I will bring discord, mes and 2 dervs. It makes the run faster.
Acolytes -> Cavaliers -> thought leech. The rest.
The 2 first can res.
Try with a Healing Burst monk, and as the others say, Smiting in Joko's is really really good, and as ele, you can run an Earth build if you don't have enough defense.
The 2 first can res.
Try with a Healing Burst monk, and as the others say, Smiting in Joko's is really really good, and as ele, you can run an Earth build if you don't have enough defense.
Squishy ftw
As said before, smiting is the way to go here.
Whenever possible, pull the awakened alongside a wall/rock/whatever and block their path with your spirits. Pre-cast FS before pulling and when they ball up against the spirits -> 3x RoJ and BOOM, awakened gone.
Whenever possible, pull the awakened alongside a wall/rock/whatever and block their path with your spirits. Pre-cast FS before pulling and when they ball up against the spirits -> 3x RoJ and BOOM, awakened gone.
The point is, discord is sub par now since the 7 hero update. I'm not saying it doesn't work, there's just so many better options that are now availible, but I guess these are not on PvX (yet?) so a lot of people won't accept them.
Sanity Abandon
I did this VQ long before the 7 hero update and ended up finding a build using 3 smite monks in one of the forums. The build is as follows.
Castignation Signet > Signet of Judjment > Smite Condition > Smite Hex > Reversal of Damage > Smiter's Boon > Divine Boon > Divine Spirit
Set up all three of your monk heroes with this build. I ended up taking the two monk henchies, the earth ele, and I think the derv. The groups of awakened just blew up, and I didn't even bring fs. They died so fast even their rezing couldn't help them.
I started from Basalt Grotto so that I could take on the first awakened group with the para boss early to save time if it didn't work. You can use the terrain to pull them around the corner of the mountain so they ball up nicely. Most of the large groups can be balled up on the terrain with proper pulling.
Now with 7 heroes it should be even easier. I have been using these smite monks with the 2 RT from spiritway, and 2 N/RT healers to do SoO in HM and even when getting aggro from 2 groups they handle the pressure just fine.
Castignation Signet > Signet of Judjment > Smite Condition > Smite Hex > Reversal of Damage > Smiter's Boon > Divine Boon > Divine Spirit
Set up all three of your monk heroes with this build. I ended up taking the two monk henchies, the earth ele, and I think the derv. The groups of awakened just blew up, and I didn't even bring fs. They died so fast even their rezing couldn't help them.
I started from Basalt Grotto so that I could take on the first awakened group with the para boss early to save time if it didn't work. You can use the terrain to pull them around the corner of the mountain so they ball up nicely. Most of the large groups can be balled up on the terrain with proper pulling.
Now with 7 heroes it should be even easier. I have been using these smite monks with the 2 RT from spiritway, and 2 N/RT healers to do SoO in HM and even when getting aggro from 2 groups they handle the pressure just fine.
Bring 3 ROJ monks with heals (You can have additional supoort heals too), If your party gets in trouble damage wise, put the monks on don't many of the monks you command is depending on how bad the situation is.
I guess we had a communication problem, then. When I see the words "massive fail", I think they mean "unsuccessful". When something does not succeed, I consider that "not working". Apparently we are not using the same dictionary and "massive fail" actually means "somewhat underperforming in comparison to alternatives".
I had more written, but MY point is that flippant, inflamatory hyperbole only serves to derail yet another thread into a pro/anti-Discord debate. There are already plenty of threads where that is more appropriate. A simple "Discord is not your best choice in dealing with undead" would have sufficed, since this is unquestionably true and not particularly judgemental about the general merits of that team build.
I had more written, but MY point is that flippant, inflamatory hyperbole only serves to derail yet another thread into a pro/anti-Discord debate. There are already plenty of threads where that is more appropriate. A simple "Discord is not your best choice in dealing with undead" would have sufficed, since this is unquestionably true and not particularly judgemental about the general merits of that team build.
A simple "Discord is not your best choice in dealing with undead" would have sufficed, since this is unquestionably true and not particularly judgemental about the general merits of that team build.
So you think AoE skills with Big Numbers are all that is required to make a build optimal? No need to consider cost, cast time, or cooldown? No need to consider that heroes will gladly use those skills on single targets that do not have any other foes within the required range for the AoE effect, using them to do single-target damage that is inferior to the single-target damage of Discord?
There are a lot of factors to consider in making a build optimal, and AoE damage is not always optimal even if it has big damage numbers attached to it. (And you have to be a bit careful in judging those big numbers. Take FoC, for example. You are aware, are you not, that Shadow Damage is not armor ignoring? It is non-elemental/non-physical damage that does not ignore base armor.)
There are a lot of factors to consider in making a build optimal, and AoE damage is not always optimal even if it has big damage numbers attached to it. (And you have to be a bit careful in judging those big numbers. Take FoC, for example. You are aware, are you not, that Shadow Damage is not armor ignoring? It is non-elemental/non-physical damage that does not ignore base armor.)
Squishy ftw
Originally Posted by Aeritath

The problem is I'm getting blasted way too fast and for too much damage, and can't actually do anything.
My build is myself as either SoS, or curses (I'm ele so i usually go with secondary in HM) 3 Disc, Panic Mes, Heal/prot monk (tried both to no avail), SoS rit, and a ranger for Frozen Soil.
I realize this build is not so great for this zone, but I'm not sure what would suffice to mitigate all of that damage and still be able to do decent damage.
Would really appreciate any help with this guys!
I vanq'd Jokos without cons or FS, if your getting blown up, bring a ST-prot spirit pooper.
Your Discords are not complementing your team currently, I would suggest running a spirit-wayish set up, there are very few corpses in Jokos so MMs are not all that useful. perhaps bring another mesmer for illusion magic-spammage. Discord is only viable if you are a caller, otherwise they are dead weight, and better elites would complement the team.
Without dedicated physcials, even with the retarded melee hero AI, you will need to score your kills by spiking or outlasting (outlasting doesn't work when Awakened rez), physicals win in HM so bringing skills like barbs or Microing MoP with some Derv / Warrior physicals can greatly increase your chances for success (I recommend bringing Assassin support as a caster just because of this). Keep in mind that Thought-leeches eat hexes like no tomorrow, and they also disable elite skills.
If you bring smite support and physicals, the damage from smite hex and smite condition (as well as ROJ assuming it actually goes off b/c of Cry of Frustration) is enormous.