You shouldn't need Anthem of Guidance. You already got Wild Throw to remove annoying blocking stances.
Maybe you could replace Anthem of Guidance and Angelic Bond by 2 Empathic Removel.
Empathic Removel is good condition and hex removel. Because of Empathic Removel Song of Purification would became less effective so you can change that for any elite you want

(soldiers fury, stunning strike, ...)
Lava Arrows isn't very good. Searing Flames is the most powerfull skill on your skill bar so you want ur hero to spam it. I'm not a fan of Mark of Rodgort as well since you have SF. I would take something like this:
Fire 12 l ES 10 l Inspiration Magic
Searing Flames, Glowing Gaze, Liquid Flame, Meteor, Power Drain, Fire Attunement, Aura of Restoration, Optional
Your e/mo protter lacks Aegis. Aegis is a really powerfull skill that you want on his bar.