Ritualist 7-Hero Help/Feedback


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2011

The Vatican Assassins


I have been looking around for sometime. I already know 1 thing wrong with my build and that's, my hero and I are using some of the same spirits effectively wasting 2 slots. I know I know... lots of builds out there... some of which I took bits and pieces from.

Yesterday I was able to get VSF farms with the current set up. However it was rough. In General PvE It worked wonders HM Vanquishing is easy, Missions Easy, now I am moving on to Dungeons. Any suggestions? Changes? I know there is a lot of different opinions but I truly appreciate them all. Im still learning and could use some help from all those vets out there.

*Note* Ignore the point layouts I dont know how I ended up with those in there and they are all wrong.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Connecticut USA



At first look, why are you running Discord without a caller set up? Seems like it's wasting time waiting for the minions, sipirts, or hero to cast a condition.

Get rid of Pain and Anguish from your bar. If you're gonna run Discord, there's no reason for you to not run Necrosis yourself. If you are gonna run communing on your bar. At least take control over Shadowsong. That spirit is the most important one to place.

Symbolic Celerity seems like a wasted slot on the Mesmer just to use SoLS. Your Minion Master should drop BotM and Vampiric Horror and put in Death Nova and Bone Minions so he can minion bomb properly. In general you can tighten up most of your builds a little more. Unless you want to be different. If you're looking to move up into higher end areas though, you might want to stick with the "cookie cutter" builds have been designed for certain areas.

Sir Baddock

Sir Baddock

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2007


Endemic Warfare


I don't enjoy your UA Monk Bar. Drop Divine healing or Heavens Delight and perhaps add something to counter Hex Stacks, however it's not a big deal. I also hate Heroes use of Healing Breeze, just personal preference really. Anything that's made of 7-Heroes will be able to do just about everything.

PS: UA + Death Pact and Flesh of My Flesh and I think it's called Renew Life on the Mesmer?. Seems like you could remove a Res if you wanted.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2011

The Vatican Assassins


To be honest... I have been thinking about getting rid of Discord all together. I have been doing some reading and it seems like a waste... kinda but I want to find out for myself. So I have been thinking of going spiteful spirit and Minion Bomber instead. Maybe with some sort of Paragon replacing one of the necromancers.

Then looking, researching and reading I see how horrible it is to bring with the Mesmer combo I have because it shuts down anything trying to cast anyway basically wasting spots again.

Confused = me.

And thank you for the advice!

Sir Baddock

Sir Baddock

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2007


Endemic Warfare


I personally don't use Discord,

1 x Me W/D Enduring Scythe, Enduring Daggers or Enduring axe + SY! Spam.
2 x Necro (Jagged or AoTL Bomber, Xinrae / Rit SoLS Heals)
2 x Mesmer (Inep, Panic)
2 x Rit (SoS and SoGM)
1 x Monk (Healing Burst + Hex / Cond Removal)

I personally have tried Discord, Sabway + Spirits + Mesmer, and everything in between and this is what I've personally grown to love. I VQ, HM Mission, etc with it. Just the other week I did all of HM Factions without a single death in my whole party. I'm starting to think I have to much defense though. Both SoS / SoGM Carry Spirit Light which is a massive heal that has no downsides for them, combined with my Xinrae and the fact that both Mesmers have Paragon Supportive skills, combined with SY! and the fact that my bomber has Aegis + Protective Spirit and I think the Healing Burst could be worked into a RoJ or SoJ with Melee Buffs + Condition / Hex Removal.

6 x Interrupt (2 Monk, 2 per Mesmer)
1 x AoE Interrupt (Panic)
2 x Melee Hate (Ineptitude, Wandering)
1 x +100 AoE Armor (Save Yourselves!)
21 x Bodies (Minions + Spirits + EVAS)
1 - 3 x AoE Melee Damage (Varies based on my personal build)
3 x AoE Explosion (Death Nova, Putrid Bile, Ancestors Rage)
4 x Big Heals (Spirit Light x 3, Healing Burst x 1)
3 x AoE Heals (Healing Burst, Heavens Delight, Protective Was Kaolai)
2 x Maximum Damage Reduction (Protective Spirit, Xinraes Weapon)
3 x Pre-Prot (SoA, Protective Spirit, Weapon of Warding)
2 x Party-Wide Melee Hate (Aegis on Bomber, Displacement on SoGM)
4 x Conditions (Cracked Armor, Deep Wound, Poison, Burning [Spirit Burn] - Currently experimenting with various Condition Heavy Mesmers / Necromancers and Rangers, each have different benefits)
3 x Hex Removal (Shatter on Mesmers, Cure hex on monk)
2 x Condition Removal (Mend Body + Soul and Spotless Soul)
1 x Mass Enchant Stripping (Envenom Enchants)
1 x Painful Bond (Spirits destroy everything in sight)
10 x Spirits (SoS = 3, Bloodsong, Pain, Shadowsong, Disenchantment, Anguish, Displacement, Life on Xinraes)
1 x Splinter Weapon (Added to W/A or W/Any Enduring Daggers / Axe)
2 x Resurrection Skills (Flesh of My Flesh and Death Pact Signet but nothing ever dies so I'm starting to wonder if it's even worth it, I have like 100 Rez Scrolls anyway).

Yawn @ PvE. I sometimes think removing the SoGM would be worth it to add an AoG Dervish but then I think "Why Bother". Siege Turtle Summoning Stones + Blue / Red Rock Candie and Con's when I need them makes PvE a joke.

PS: Works best with correct runes, Superior Vigor, All Survivor Insignias, Superior Death Magic on the bomber, etc. Correctly attributed weapons are also great, Oppressor Weapons / Droknars Key items are perfect for this.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2011

The Vatican Assassins


Id love to try this out but I am stuck on my Rit and not ready to give her up yet! haha I could put an enduring Scythe hero but would loose the SY *sigh*

Sir Baddock

Sir Baddock

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2007


Endemic Warfare


It actually doesn't matter, The player can be anything. Look at it this way, with you playing SoS, you can drop the SoS Hero and add an Earth Shaker Hero with a Shadow Step or an AoG Dervish, AoE Disease or AoE Knockdown <3. I sat back while doing various parts of Slavers (HM) and talked on the phone while my heroes did all the work. (I still targeted key NPC's for them). You could go Rt/W and add Save Yourselves! to your bar somewhere and just use a Spear + Furious mod too.

Forgot to also mention every hero has a form of Energy Management, so Energy isn't an issue either unless a fight with a single opponent draw's out for longer than 3 - 4 minutes, if that happens my necro's tend to get a bit Energy Starved until SoLS is usable.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2011

The Vatican Assassins


Wow, Why didnt I think of that? Genius... time to get a random spear lol...

Sir Baddock

Sir Baddock

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2007


Endemic Warfare


Originally Posted by NewSin View Post
Wow, Why didnt I think of that? Genius... time to get a random spear lol... Edit: Oh God I just got an amazing idea, screw Splinter Weapon, I'm going to make my SoGM a Weapon of Fury spammer and micro it onto me W/E Enduring Sythe and spam non-stop AoE Scythe Attacks.

Probably because you're a Ritualist, you can provide better skills than Save Yourself!. Displacement as an example > SY for the duration it's up and preventing damage. I'm pretty sure there's a Rt/W Build that utilized Sight Beyond Sight, some Ritualist Elite and Various Warrior AoE Spinny Skills.

Stay tuned I'll re-create it, I was screwing with it a few months ago.

Rt/W (Channeling 12+1+1, Spawning 9+1, Axe 9)
1. Weapon of Fury (Elite)
2. Cyclone Axe
3. Whirlwind Attack
4. Save Yourselves!
5. Sight Beyond Sight
6. Flurry (Frenzy is usable too)
7. Great Dwarf Armor
8. Unused

Keep up Weapon of Fury and Great Dwarf Armor, (Or I Am Unstoppable, to make yourself less squishy). Spam Cyclone Axe and Whirlwind Attack, at 14 Channeling Magic you gain 50% more Adrenaline, meaning Save Yourselves! is now 4 Adrenaline. Combine that with a Zealous Axe or Furious Axe (I'd go Zealous with a Furious Weapon Swap) and you should have no problem maintaining Save Yourself!, While doing a bit of Damage.

Energy isn't an issue due to the Unstrippable, 100% Maintainable Weapon of Fury due to it's +1 Energy per attack.

Topic about the build Here


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2011

The Vatican Assassins


Gonna try this one out first,
Me Rt/N SoS + Displacement

N/Mo AotL Minion Bomber
N/Rt Xinraes/Heals
Mo/M Healing Burst
Me/N Inept
Me/Mo Panic
Ele/Mo ER/Prot

Seems to be working ok but Im not sure of the ER/Prot

May work on the AoE Earth Shaker Warrior once I find a decent build

Really appreciate you taking the time to help me out!

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

3 full backliners is definitely overkill. Drop one of them.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2008

Oregon, USA



with an earthshaker hero you could look at fitting earthbind onto a Rt somewhere just for fun.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2005

Ashford Abbey

Hey Mallyx [icU]


Jin: OggTY1rmX6V6xo36LsWK3g24iBA
Margrid: OggTY1rm3RWibw1PmeLsh2cxAA
Pyre: OggTYxrmZaxAXT14xwSM3g24iBA
Livia: OAhiYwh8Ytb2SzJ3wMaOOvYA
Old Geezer: OAZDY6p5Oc1PxurMI0sEwiqK

7 heroes + 9 minions + 3 pets = 19 allies to do your bidding. Gotta love the chaos they make in battle.

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

*3 rezzes is fine. What is a problem is that only one of them is useful mid-fight. I'd swap Renew Life on the Panic Mes for Flesh of my Flesh.
*The SoGM doesn't have remotely enough energy to handle all those skills.
*Purge Conditions is pointless with MBaS. Healing Ribbon is also meh, especially with heroes. Putting rezzes on primary backliners is generally frowned upon; you could use the extra slot to help keep someone alive in the first place.

Sir Baddock

Sir Baddock

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2007


Endemic Warfare


On the Xinrae's healer I'd remove the skill in slot 7, Rejuvenate is what I believe it's called (Probably incorrect) and place SoLS (Signet of Lost Souls). In addition I do not recommend running Death Pact on a healer, if they rez someone and that player dies (which is most likely going to happen in PvE) you're minus a healer. (I use Flesh of My Flesh on my healer and Death Pact on the SoS, if the SoS die's it's not a huge issue, he only provides spirits and splinter).

My Xinrae's is, OAhiYwh8YtzYSzJ3wccWVvYA

The Healing Burst I tend to use is, OwUTMyGDTyLqB8upLKCc6rHIDAA

1. Healing Burst
2. Patient Spirit
3. Signet of Rejuvenation
4. Heaven's Delight
5. Spotless Soul (Condition Heavy Areas, you can change this to whatever you like, in my own party I have 3 condition removals so this skill is pointless in most areas and end's up becoming Vigorous Spirit.)
6. Cure Hex
7. Leech Signet
8. Power Drain

The monk tends to do everything perfectly, I only leave a single interrupt on the Mesmers active (for a total of two) and micro the other two through my Mouse Buttons (Mouse 4 / Mouse 5) so the Monk tends to always be able to get at least one interrupt off. (I never see Tahlkora's energy low).


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2011

The Vatican Assassins


Awesome! thanks, Didnt even think about that with the Death Pact. Makes sense.

Ill make the changes and re post!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2011

The Vatican Assassins


So made some changes used your Monk build.. Works much better then what I had before thanks for that! I like it the way it is I am sure I could tweak it some more but I personally dont think it needs it... My next task will be HM Duncan lol... Im sure Im gonna get smoked!