PC : Many slaying items (r8+)


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2007




So, I've been considering selling these off and on for awhile now, but never actually got a price check. (all shields are gold and max armor)

1. R8 Strength Embossed Aegis
+10 vs demons
-2 (stance)

2. R9 Strength Magmas Shield
+10 vs dwarves
-2 (stance)

3. R12 Strength Magmas Shield
+10 vs giants
-2 (stance)

4. R10 Tactics Celestial Shield
+10 vs dragons
-3 (hexed)

5. R10 Strength Shadow Shield
+10 vs undead
-2 (stance)

6. R11 Strength Gothic Defender
+10 vs plants
-2 (enchant)

7. R12 Strength Eternal Shield
+10 vs tengu
-5 (20%)

8. R9 Strength Wooden Buckler
+10 vs ogres
-2 (enchant)

9. +20% mods for axe (one of every type, including skeletons, 11 total)



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Dec 2008


embossed 50-75e or so could go more with more or less, depends on interest but skin is pretty bad
magmas 10-15e
magmas 25k
celestial 15k
shadow shield 25-40k
gothic defender 30-40k
eternal shield 15kish
wood buckler 25kish

Tender Care

Tender Care

Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2008

Blackwater Park



gothic can go higher imo, not much, but vs plants are used much in Urgoz Warren...if someone look for that i'd sell at least 60-70k...

Matrix Arcade

Matrix Arcade

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2008

???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]

Agreed with both guys above me. Altho the +10vs tengu I wouldn't bother selling.. not sure about celestial either.. But vs Drag0nz iz k1nda 1337 ra1ghT?