31 Mar 2011 at 19:24 - 4
As the only para in the group, Hayda is going to have a hard time maintaining Aggressive Refrain between battles. If you don't micro AR, then Hayda will cast it every time it is recharged as soon as she has 25e built up, even if AR is still up from the last use. If you do micro it, then she may not always cast Anthem of Weariness to keep it up between battles, so you will have to re-cast AR before going into battle. Fall Back has too long a cooldown to keep AR up and I don't believe heroes will use ToF out of battle, though I might be wrong.
This means that she will often be drained of energy, particularly at the start of a battle, and this is a very energy-intensive build you've chosen.
Since there are no attack skills on the bar, the only member in the party who will benefit from Anthem of Weariness is Kahmu, who already has Staggering Force on his bar. So, you are basically using a skill slot for the sole purpose of keeping AR up.
On MoW's bar, you can drop SoLS in favor of Putrid Bile. Foes should be dying fast enough that SoLS is not necessary. However, for an AotL MB, I prefer OANDUsldSyBVBoBKgLCJgGNoRA [Link]. This provides a good bit of healing and excellent condition removal, allowing you to drop Empathic Removal from Hayda's bar to have more flexibility in fixing her build.
Let Tahlkora handle the prots, since it makes no sense to have her running 11 Healing just to power a single spell. Again, let MoW handle the condition removal, freeing up the slot used for Mend Ailment. If you need more condition removal than that, put Spirit's Gift on your own bar. Armor of Unfeeling on a channeling bar is generally not necessary.
Maybe it's just me, but Siphon Spirit just looks so very, very wrong on an ele bar. GoLE makes more sense to me. Heroes are not very good about moving around to siphon a different spirit each time, so you may be overestimating the energy return Vekk will get out of it. The main purpose of Gaze of Fury is to take out enemy spirits, which does not require any investment in Channeling at all, and you will be much better off to put those points back into Energy Storage.
I am curious, though, why you want to base a whole PvE team on the concept of conditions? Doing damage directly is a lot faster and more efficient than trying to degen everything to death.