Confused about Discordway, do you NEED the AP caller?

Library Science

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2011


Hello everyone I've recently taken a long break from the game, and upon my return I have found that Sabway no longer dominates Meta-game. It didn't take long to find Discordway was on everyone's heroes these days, so I dug into wiki articles and threads here on guru to find out how it's used.

Everything has been pretty straight forward, however there seems to be an ongoing argument about whether you need to be running an AP caller build for Discordway to really make the magic happen. I've always loved Dervishes, and at this point I think that switching to this build will change my play style more than I would like, and just be an overall pain. So I come to you, do I have to run a special build to use Discordway, or can I continue using my VoS Earth dervish (that I'm having a blast with)?

Thanks in advance, and I would also like to apologize for my sub par English skills



Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2005

Ashford Abbey

Hey Mallyx [icU]


You don't need an AP caller to make the magic happen but it does help. If you're not playing a caster class or simply don't have AP, EVAS or whatever look how you can help your discord heroes - apply hexes, apply conditions or even both.

Library Science

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2011


Thanks for the quick reply, I'll look into a more condition heavy build!



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2009



The point of the AP caller is to quickly apply a hex and condition to the target so your heroes can spike with discord faster, while doing damage with EVAS/YMLaD and 'finish him' for the killing blow. Ap allowing the constant spam of the powerful PvE skills. So you don't need the Ap build, but it will definately help if you can have cheap and spammable hexes/conditions on your bar, as heroes tend to be slow at getting them off themselves.

Since your playing Derv yo have plenty of spammable conditions to spam, but you don't have any hexes, so consider something like Asura Scan, which only has a 5sec cd, and will help you a lot in area with lots of blind and blocking.

Library Science

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2011


Thanks, makes sense now. I'll be sure to throw Asura Scan in there.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2010


Gil Worz Is Srs [Bsns]


Really it makes little sense using Discord as a physical with all the buffs available.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2005

Ashford Abbey

Hey Mallyx [icU]


I wouldn't take a hex on my bar. Chances are you're going to spec one of the necros to death and curses so keep Discord and give him MoP, Barbs, Weaken Armor and Reckless Haste. You can easily micro Reckless when you apply your conditions.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2010

Denizen of Tyria since Feb. 2009

Discord can be powerful, but the standard hero bars are definitely skewed more to caster players. You miss a lot of the good physical support skills unless you tweak the hell out of the heroes. As a physical, spamming a hex and applying a condition while the heroes do all the work isn't a very satisfying way to play, in my experience. Now that we have 7 heroes, you can probably come up with something quite effective, though, some sort of mixture of Discordway/Sabway, maybe.

And as has been said, no you don't need the AP-YMLaD!-EVAS-FH! chain. Spammable hex (Asuran Scan) + conditions and you're good to go.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2010


If your a physical and you want to use discordway, an AP caller is ideal, or at the very least using the T button so the heroes don't discord random targets (thus achieving dick all since the point of discord is to spike a target). AP calling works even on dervish primaries since they have 4 pips of energy recovery (you may need to space out your skill usage though otherwise you may experience energy deficits. I would recommend bringing a staff for the extra energy so you can frontload your spells more often.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2008

Fuzzy Physics Institute


Before the 7-heroes update, I used Discord only with my casters and always ran an AP caller. For physicals I stuck to Sabway or Spiritway. After the update, I found that adding two mesmers and spirits to the team provided so much hexing and conditioning that I tried discord with my physicals as well. Worked great.

I don't even use an AP caller build with my casters any more, but went back to playing bars that are a lot more fun. My ele can go back to being an ele, now, and my smiting monk is in heaven. Almost all my player bars have a condition in there somewhere -- blind, burning, and/or weakness mostly. I try to apply a condition on the called target with the first attack, knowing one of the heroes is sure to slap a hex on it at the same time. So, discord requirements are being met about as fast as they are with AP caller, and sometimes faster since an AP caller can't apply both hex and condition simultaneously.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2008

Fuzzy Physics Institute


errm .. while there are hexes that impose conditions, most people are going to want to cast AP first to ensure that AP is on the target before it dies. In typical use the AP caller build does not impose a hex and condition simultaneously at the start of a spike.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2009



Well they do, since you can use YMLaD (cripple) and AP (hex) at the same time.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2010


Gil Worz Is Srs [Bsns]


Originally Posted by BrettM View Post
errm .. while there are hexes that impose conditions, most people are going to want to cast AP first to ensure that AP is on the target before it dies. In typical use the AP caller build does not impose a hex and condition simultaneously at the start of a spike. Ymlad zero cast time means you can use at the same time as a hex.
Also throwing AP on the foe first can be risky, makes more sense to save it for when the enemy is definitely going to die.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2005

Ashford Abbey

Hey Mallyx [icU]


Originally Posted by Dre View Post
He's playing physical, so Asuran scan is an excellent skill to use;
The only times I'm not using Asuran scan is when using either 100b or VoS (and even then I usually have it on my bar) I've never used Asuran on any of my physical chars. It just seems unnatural to me. Wasting time casting spells when you could be leeroying about or happily chopping up enemies. Thanks, but no thanks. C+Space FTW.