Lots of Jagged Bones
Mike Jack
I'm recently going through a fetish with Jagged Bones and thought I should share my build. I'm hoping this can go through general PvE and want some advice.
Constructive criticism accepted.
Constructive criticism accepted.
Yhat's a lot of jagged bones, are you sure the build isn't too hard to start up minion-wise. 4 mm means 4 players who don't do a lot to help with the first kills after a wipe.
I would be surprised if it didn't work. My only suggestion is to ditch the PS on the mesmer. Heroes like to spam that and combined with Wondering Eye and Ineptitude, he will probably be zip on energy.
You might consider taking ST on your SoGM for better energy management, he looks a bit strained and would slow things down. And EBSoH doesn't affect spirits, I would take EBSoW since you're probably going to be hanging back with your other casters.
You might consider taking ST on your SoGM for better energy management, he looks a bit strained and would slow things down. And EBSoH doesn't affect spirits, I would take EBSoW since you're probably going to be hanging back with your other casters.
Is this wiki note true?
Originally Posted by wiki
If you cast it on a party member's minion, the resulting Jagged Horror will be bound to that party member, not to you.
Mike Jack
1. Replace Ebon Standard of Honor with Ebon Standard of Wisdom.
2. Replace Protecive Spirit with Arcane Conundrum.
3. Depending on the location, replace Soul Twisting with Signet of Ghostly Might.
Anything else?
EDIT: To above, yes it is true.
1. Replace Ebon Standard of Honor with Ebon Standard of Wisdom.
2. Replace Protecive Spirit with Arcane Conundrum.
3. Depending on the location, replace Soul Twisting with Signet of Ghostly Might.
Anything else?
EDIT: To above, yes it is true.
Wouldn't that make the 2 Jaggeds without minion raising skills pretty useless?
Mike Jack
No. AI always targets a minion not enchanted with Jagged Bones. It's irrelevant that all the minions belong to one necromancer (unless you hit the cap or he dies)
I just have to try this out thanks for the idea
What are those heroes casting Splinter Weapon on? Heroes won't cast it on pets, and I would be surprised if they cast it on minions.
They do cast it on minions.
aotl could be quite fun on a rit mm
ive run a hybrid spirit + mm on my rit (not hero xD) was quite fun
ive run a hybrid spirit + mm on my rit (not hero xD) was quite fun
Swap one of the Jagged for Aura of the Lich.
Better, safer, more reliable and a source of mins when all others die
Better, safer, more reliable and a source of mins when all others die
Seems like total overkill to me, you'll probably end up having 4 heroes trying to cast jagged bones on the same minion a lot of the time.
In general having duplicate friendly skills is not good.
In general having duplicate friendly skills is not good.
Originally Posted by FoxBat

This varies greatly on a skill by skill basis. Ever wonder how heroes can Aegis chain?
Yeah I worded it wrong, but you catch my drift.
Mike Jack
Why would they use it on the same minion? Do heroes Death Nova the same minions?
Marty Silverblade
The logical thing to do would be to cast JB on the minions that are closest to death and/or about to die. If you've got 4 copies, there is a possibility that multiple heroes might think 'oh crap, that one is about to die' at the same time and cast JB on it. They won't cast JB or DN on a minion that already has it though. I don't know whether that happens a lot or not but it's something to look out for.
Many skills in the game are flagged "if one AI member in party is currently using skill, do not use skill." Including some that really shouldn't, you can see eles of the same element stagger their attunements for example. If the guy is posting his build, I'm presuming they aren't doing that, as the majority of his minions ought to be jaggeds if it's working.
Mike Jack
Sir Baddock
If I was running 4 MM's it'd be 2 x Animate Flesh Golem, 1 x Jagged or AoTL, 1 x Order of Undeath + Vampiric minions. Combined with one Necro as a /mo for Dwayna's Sorrow, One as Rt/N as either a Jagged or AoTL Bomber with Spirits Gift, Boon of Creation and Explosive Growth, have 2 Death Nova's in the build for better Nova Coverage and you'll be good to go.
Kaida the Heartless
Originally Posted by Sir Baddock

...One as Rt/N as either a Jagged or AoTL Bomber with Spirits Gift, Boon of Creation and Explosive Growth...
I don't think this works, as the minions don't count for that Ritualist. Besides, you want the Ritualist to be the main bomber. Each cast of Jagged Bones on their minions by anyone else counts as if they created it.
Well I put this build together as listed apart from Ineptitude which I didn't have, I replaced the missing elite with Tease and set off to cap the missing skill.
I also did the cap with my necro so I had to swap around skills a little but it went extremely well.
The quetzal just vaporised so I hate to think what it will do now I have the right skills.
Hard mode may well be a very different story, but its pretty efficient with the mobs in alcazia tangle in normal mode.
Needs a lot more testing but first impressions are excellent.
I also did the cap with my necro so I had to swap around skills a little but it went extremely well.
The quetzal just vaporised so I hate to think what it will do now I have the right skills.
Hard mode may well be a very different story, but its pretty efficient with the mobs in alcazia tangle in normal mode.
Needs a lot more testing but first impressions are excellent.
I tried just switching discordway elites with jagged along with putting animate shambling on the discord \ curse nec using standard build otherwise.. And doing FoW now I find myself at a constant 30 minions with this. Beyond anything I would expect, havent even seen the team below 20 minions since they first got above that number and with 4 mesmers in team i have no problems "starting" up the army either. Not sure how good it actually is but i got no plans changing it out anytime soonish, wanna test this some more.
Allso tried it in 4 man zones and it's pretty funny rolling around in a 4 man zone with 30 minions ^^
Allso tried it in 4 man zones and it's pretty funny rolling around in a 4 man zone with 30 minions ^^
Since there are four MM, Why not just run BiP and kill yourself so that you can raise an Minion factory?
woah @ 30 minions. with that much barbs/mop must be lulz
might be worth taking winowing too, for the +4 on every minion
might be worth taking winowing too, for the +4 on every minion
heres my rit spirit minion hybrid, its probably worth using a sup or major(s) rune to reach the breakpoints
aim for 12 death (or drop to 10 if u want more points), 11spawning, everything else in channeling (10-11 +)
boon of creation, spirit siphen(or essense strike) ,painful bond (optional) agony, vamparism, animate bone fiend, signet of spirits, summon spirits
with boon at 11 you get 5e back per creation, so sos gives you 15e for free every 30seconds
a cheaper minion spell could be used aswell, i just fancied fiends. idea is to run this as a second MM, so you run around with 15-18 minions instead for being capped at 10, so main MM has botm. if your the only MM then you would really need to take botm, maybe different minion spell
heres my rit spirit minion hybrid, its probably worth using a sup or major(s) rune to reach the breakpoints
aim for 12 death (or drop to 10 if u want more points), 11spawning, everything else in channeling (10-11 +)
boon of creation, spirit siphen(or essense strike) ,painful bond (optional) agony, vamparism, animate bone fiend, signet of spirits, summon spirits
with boon at 11 you get 5e back per creation, so sos gives you 15e for free every 30seconds

a cheaper minion spell could be used aswell, i just fancied fiends. idea is to run this as a second MM, so you run around with 15-18 minions instead for being capped at 10, so main MM has botm. if your the only MM then you would really need to take botm, maybe different minion spell