Corporal Bane's AI
Holy cow does it suck. Yeah keep attacking that warrior instead of killing the monks that i pinged. And keep kiting with me when i'm about to die instead of tanking the annihilator when you are at full health. I don't see why they couldn't just implement hero AI into him, i hope to god this doesn't reflect the AI in GW2.
Its Allies ai, which behaves differently then hero/hench ai. dont worry about gw2 AI, you should know by now that anet isnt that stupid.
....frag grenade the monk and hit it once with your nightstick.
Instant dead.
Why is Bane's AI a problem?
Instant dead.
Why is Bane's AI a problem?
1 grenade can kill a monk pretty much dont know what this bitching is about
I'm fine with his AI. I run in towards a monk that has the most aggro around him, throw up riot shield, place a mine and start fragging the warrior thats next to him. I usually take out 2-3 enemies with that mine. If your being dp'd or taking damage just throw up tango at that point.
Lord Dagon
i like his AI.. he tanks the anhilator golem for me.. and all you have to do vs monks is tear gas---> grenade---->stun grenade.
i dont have a problem with them.. he keeps the meele off my bank.. so its fine.
i dont have a problem with them.. he keeps the meele off my bank.. so its fine.
Malchior Devenholm
Complaining about AI when given the most OP skills in the game.
What comes next?
What comes next?
SO, how do you actually beat the Golem, then?
I have made 8 or 9 runs, and I cannot take him down....I had one time where there was just a sliver of health left for him, but I died and the countdown took me away before his health sliver disappeared.
Most of the time, the Golem comes after me, not Corporal Bane ....
And when Bane is able to tank him, we all still die ... *sigh*
Thanks in advance for any helpful advice
I have made 8 or 9 runs, and I cannot take him down....I had one time where there was just a sliver of health left for him, but I died and the countdown took me away before his health sliver disappeared.
Most of the time, the Golem comes after me, not Corporal Bane ....
And when Bane is able to tank him, we all still die ... *sigh*
Thanks in advance for any helpful advice

I also use the riot shield then place a mine (tee hee) throw a stun then frag grenade against the other monk (I like fighting groups of two).
Against the golem you could try using the environment, hills, trees, buildings. if the thing gets close throw up the riot shield and a mine and hope he doesn't knock you down.
Honestly it's not that hard if you do at least a little bit of thinking. This isn't CoD you know
Against the golem you could try using the environment, hills, trees, buildings. if the thing gets close throw up the riot shield and a mine and hope he doesn't knock you down.
Honestly it's not that hard if you do at least a little bit of thinking. This isn't CoD you know
Riot Shield whenever he decides to attack you in melee (also lol-mine).
Learn to dodge his projectile spells.
Use "Tango Down" pretty much on recharge if you're taking damage.
Learn to dodge his projectile spells.
Use "Tango Down" pretty much on recharge if you're taking damage.
I still don't get why you can't die in the mission. Even if you do die and he kills the golem while it says you couldn't change the future, the quest still gets completed.
Malchior Devenholm
Tear Gas after he teleports and stops moving to stop any of his skills. Chain cast Tear Gas with Bane to completely shut him down. Spam Stun Grenade to blind and prevent any physical assaults. Mostly, stay at range and let Bane tank. When golem goes into last 5-10% health, close range and use a Stun Grenade to set up your adrenaline combo for the deep wound. Use Land Mine whenever possible, and always be in a position to use Tango Down to heal. Mostly, Tango Down is for Bane, not for yourself. The longer he's alive, then the longer he tanks, and the more damage the golem takes.
If Bane dies, just run away immediately. Sometimes the golem won't even aggro. If he does, dodge projectiles until Bane rezes. If you see golem health regenerating, throw a quick grenade to stop it.
If you're REALLY good, you can let the golem chase Sarah just a bit, closer to the house. Then when you can judge where he will teleport (because he teleports directly away), throw the stun. You can back the golem right into the house, and the collision detection will prevent him from teleporting away. Cornered with you and bane, he's permablinded, perma-shutdown with Tear Gas, and taking Double Landmines. GG.
If Bane dies, just run away immediately. Sometimes the golem won't even aggro. If he does, dodge projectiles until Bane rezes. If you see golem health regenerating, throw a quick grenade to stop it.
If you're REALLY good, you can let the golem chase Sarah just a bit, closer to the house. Then when you can judge where he will teleport (because he teleports directly away), throw the stun. You can back the golem right into the house, and the collision detection will prevent him from teleporting away. Cornered with you and bane, he's permablinded, perma-shutdown with Tear Gas, and taking Double Landmines. GG.
Wow, ANet gives you a cakewalk and you can't figure out how to cut it? Shesh. The Golem was easer than getting to him, as long as you remember to throw the frag, run around, throw the frag (rinse & repeat). Optional: When he is about to use plasma hit him with the stun gernade.
Also, while fighting through the groups on the way, wait until the Ascalonians and the Krytans run at each other and start fighting, then join in the fray. They'll be killing each other and not targeting you most of the time, so you can just toss grenades about and wipe them all at once.
Though I do feel like a bit of a traitor killing Ascalonians.
Though I do feel like a bit of a traitor killing Ascalonians.

I thought the Golem was harder to beat than getting to him.
To get to him before it kills Sarah, I just let the Ascalonian Warrior run to it first so the Golem attacks the warrior.
It took me a couple of tries to defeat the golem until I realized that the house makes a perfect defense against it while Corporal Bane is dead.
To get to him before it kills Sarah, I just let the Ascalonian Warrior run to it first so the Golem attacks the warrior.
It took me a couple of tries to defeat the golem until I realized that the house makes a perfect defense against it while Corporal Bane is dead.
Tear Gas after he teleports and stops moving to stop any of his skills. Chain cast Tear Gas with Bane to completely shut him down. Spam Stun Grenade to blind and prevent any physical assaults. Mostly, stay at range and let Bane tank. When golem goes into last 5-10% health, close range and use a Stun Grenade to set up your adrenaline combo for the deep wound. Use Land Mine whenever possible, and always be in a position to use Tango Down to heal. Mostly, Tango Down is for Bane, not for yourself. The longer he's alive, then the longer he tanks, and the more damage the golem takes.
If Bane dies, just run away immediately. Sometimes the golem won't even aggro. If he does, dodge projectiles until Bane rezes. If you see golem health regenerating, throw a quick grenade to stop it. If you're REALLY good, you can let the golem chase Sarah just a bit, closer to the house. Then when you can judge where he will teleport (because he teleports directly away), throw the stun. You can back the golem right into the house, and the collision detection will prevent him from teleporting away. Cornered with you and bane, he's permablinded, perma-shutdown with Tear Gas, and taking Double Landmines. GG. |
Thank you most everyone else for the advice, as well

Bane still bought the farm, but I was able to pull it off...again, thank you, and also thank you for providing the advice in a very helpful, non-condescending e-peen-teen manner

Wish there was a way to add karma points to you, you were most helpful

I never found the Golem to be challenging at all, it's just careful kiting and skill usage.
It was never a case of IF I would beat him, but instead how long it would take
It was never a case of IF I would beat him, but instead how long it would take
I don't have a problem with AI either. I am just trying to beat the golem, now I know how to do it, it should be easy to do now.
bane respawns after he dies so once he does die from tanking just keep hit and running with grenades until he does respawn.
Just a quick pointer - the golem's teleport skill removes conditions, so you'll want to time your stun grenades until after each shadow step. It's a little detail I missed the first time, which made things much, much harder.
Why are we complaining about AI on an NPC that's only going to last 3 days?
Davros Uitar
I was just as amused about the person who was calling for a nerf to the quest - cos it was farmable. You have to lol at people who have nothing better to do than find a place to spread negativity.
SO, how do you actually beat the Golem, then?
I have made 8 or 9 runs, and I cannot take him down....I had one time where there was just a sliver of health left for him, but I died and the countdown took me away before his health sliver disappeared. Most of the time, the Golem comes after me, not Corporal Bane .... And when Bane is able to tank him, we all still die ... *sigh* Thanks in advance for any helpful advice ![]() |
Spam the 8th skill as much as you can.
Whenever you are under 50% HP, stay away and let Bane Tank.
When Bane dies, go next to to any of the nearby houses, and run around to avoid the golem's projectiles, while you set landmines whenever you can, when the golem is following you around the house, it will trigger them. Between landmines, throw grenades to it a least every 7 seconds to stop it from starting to regenerate.
Bane will not take long to come back and attack the golem again. If you are over 50% by that time, go attack to. IF not, just stay away and throw grenades.
That should do.
Brian the Gladiator
SO, how do you actually beat the Golem, then?
I have made 8 or 9 runs, and I cannot take him down....I had one time where there was just a sliver of health left for him, but I died and the countdown took me away before his health sliver disappeared. Most of the time, the Golem comes after me, not Corporal Bane .... And when Bane is able to tank him, we all still die ... *sigh* Thanks in advance for any helpful advice ![]() |
Im struggling to see how your connecting this to GW2...commandos aren't even going to be in it for starters and its also on a complete different engine