Urgoz 2-man heroway



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2009

Canada Eh

Fallen Knights Of The Shattered [Soul]

I'm workin' on a 2-man heroway for Urgoz, I think I've got the build down, and I've even made it to Urgoz with the build, but we made one surprizingly crucial mistake, our EoE hero was in the wrong hero slot and we kept accidently dragging her around which is bad for urgoz.
Here's the Current builds:
Player 1 Imbagon
Hero 1 Sf/prot
Hero 2 sf/heal
Hero 3 EoE/splinter barrage<- Important to have this hero in one of the first 3 hero slots (doesn't matter who takes him just the position, i prefer 3rd slot with imbagon, just because the 3rd slot means u won't accidently drag him along and the imbagon cuz he has slightly less to do)
Hero 4 sf/heal
Hero 5 sf/heal<- for those with merc heroes it works slightly better to have this char with the others

Player 2 SoS rit(tank)<- you won't pull but for all intents and purposes You're the tank, or atleast your spirits are they'll hold the enemies still long enough for the sf to munch they're way through
Hero 6 - MM/Bomber
Hero 7 - Panic
Hero 8 - Sf/dwayna's
Hero 9 sf/heal
Hero 10 - SoLS healer

-The runes are pretty simple to figure out just on everything except the eoe, MM and Panic use +1's the extra life is helpful and the damage gain is very minimal
-if you have extensive knowledge of all the spawns in urgoz this build is VERY VERY simple to use, if you don't.. you'll prolly die a few times, i suggest running in NM a few times just to learn the spawns before attempting HM that being said, if you think you know what ur doing, by all means.
-Urgoz himself can be EXTREMELY difficult to downright impossible if you don't know exactly what your doing and/or have more than 15% dp
-Communication is VERY important

-I have very limited access to people so any help in testing further would be helpful (I prefer the Imbagon, but can run both very effectively)
my IGN is: Stone of Leaves if you wish to help out

-Are welcome (to a point)

-A successful 3-human variant can be located

The Build is designed for people without access to alot of skilled players, to be able to do Urgoz effectively, entirely without consumables at a rapid rate and still have (and heres the keyword) FUN [not to say trying with like 12 people and failing miserably, or spending ridiculous amounts of time finding a good group isn't fun -.- ]


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2010

Social Darwinism [SaD]


Why searing flames? O.o The damage must get reduced to crap by hard mode. You'd be better off with a bunch of SS necros



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2008

USA - W.Coast



Since you are going with SF, I would suggest a way to apply AoE cracked armor to increase the damage. You may want to consider a FD mesmer for spreading a large area cracked armor, deep wnd, weakness and daze. If not, Weaken Armor on your necro works well with little investment in Curses (but has a smaller AoE).