Picked these up vqing today and just wanted to see if they are worth much.
not exactly sure if these will come up or not so if they dont the 1 shields are.
ornate shield q10 str
+1 divine favor (19%)
shadow shield q9 str
-5 20%
+1 smiting 19%
pc on 2 non inscribe shields
Night Life
Tender Care
merch ornate....i had a guy buying mine 20% divine favor -2^ench for 30k...and was the only offer
shadow shield: i'd merch it also, for imperfect mod and not coolest skin (imo).....These attribute shields sells hardly and generally on wanted skins for like 30-40k..
shadow shield: i'd merch it also, for imperfect mod and not coolest skin (imo).....These attribute shields sells hardly and generally on wanted skins for like 30-40k..
Jason Xll
Yea I agree, both are merch fodder. Shadow might get you up to 5k but that may time a while...
agreed shadow still sellable but will be hard