Hi all! ZB for thursday is Urgoz, and as I won't have any time to team up (I work the whole day), I was wondering if anyone had ever done Urgoz on HM with 7 heros? There are some points I'm not quiet sure of...
For the teleport room, I guess you have to bring the necro skill yourself?
And when you have to leave someone behind, can a hero do the job?
And for Urgoz himself, heros won't run around dodging the growths... could I flag them at the entrance and run around myself waiting for EoE to do its work?
Any insight would be greatly appreciated, I'm sure many other ppl are wondering if Urgoz is doable with 7 heros too! I know someone achieved to finish the Deep on HM some days ago with 7 heros too...
Urgoz HM with 7 heros?
K. Kismet
Originally Posted by scratchdude
Quote: Originally Posted by scratchdude
And when you have to leave someone behind, can a hero do the job?
Yes, just make sure the hero you want to leave behind is within the first three positions, so you can flag him/her individually.
Nice tip for Necrotic Traversal.
The EoE sweet spot is on the left of the central ramp, if I remember correctly there's a a rocky texture on the floor "protruding" from the ramp rocky wall: it's on that patch that the spirit should be placed (hard to be more precise without a screenshot sorry).
With the tactic outlined above, 3 Searing Flames Elementalists plus whatever the rest of the team can add in term of damage are enough to bring Urgoz well under 90% (with EoE in place) before wiping (a conset and assorted resurrection skills on heroes further increase chances).
The energy degeneration on the right side is normal, no idea where the Twisted Bark associated with it is, I lost interest in the area after succeeding, so never looked into it.
The EoE sweet spot is on the left of the central ramp, if I remember correctly there's a a rocky texture on the floor "protruding" from the ramp rocky wall: it's on that patch that the spirit should be placed (hard to be more precise without a screenshot sorry).
With the tactic outlined above, 3 Searing Flames Elementalists plus whatever the rest of the team can add in term of damage are enough to bring Urgoz well under 90% (with EoE in place) before wiping (a conset and assorted resurrection skills on heroes further increase chances).
The energy degeneration on the right side is normal, no idea where the Twisted Bark associated with it is, I lost interest in the area after succeeding, so never looked into it.