Usual PUG runs don't take 40 min, also counting the amounts of failures you can have. I remembers a usual PUG run takes about 1hour and 20 minutes and that is without doing Mallyx, counting mallyx with that time takes you around 2 hours to get at least about 3 gemsets which are worth 37k, some greens and some goldies.
I doubt 75k per run is possible. |
HM SC in 40minutes (which is a very realistic average): Assuming you do 4 runs starting in every area once. So that yields 20 gemsets from chests only. Assuming you don't get gem drops/jew them after runs too, to make a worst case scenario. You get 5,4k gold from quest rewards. 20 gemsets @ 13k/ea = 260k + (5,4x4) = 281,6k in 4 runs, that's 70,4k/run. So, add additional gemdrops and general drops to that, you easily get 75k/run.
Basic math says hi..