EDITED by Messy for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID Post a bid or do not post Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message, ingame whispers, or email Any post that does not contain a legitimate bid is considered to be a non-bid post There is no reason to post more than once in a thread unless you have been out-bid. If you need to retract or decide to change your bid edit your existing post.
What's your in-game name? Haven't heard anything from you in 4 days now. Thanks.
EDITED by Messy for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID Post a bid or do not post Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message, ingame whispers, or email Any post that does not contain a legitimate bid is considered to be a non-bid post There is no reason to post more than once in a thread unless you have been out-bid. If you need to retract or decide to change your bid edit your existing post. In short: post your bid, your IGN and contact information and nothing else or you risk a ban
Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
EDITED by Messy for the following Guidelines Violation: NON BID Post a bid or do not post Advice, questions and comments should be done via private message, ingame whispers, or email Any post that does not contain a legitimate bid is considered to be a non-bid post There is no reason to post more than once in a thread unless you have been out-bid. If you need to retract or decide to change your bid edit your existing post.
I'll take the 2 Kyril's Fervor for 1k each
IGN Llaw Aalseth
usually on after 5pm GMT +10
IGN Llaw Aalseth
usually on after 5pm GMT +10
-55HP Cesta [5k]
IGN: Miss Hammer De Kann
GMT-0 usually at afternoons/nights
IGN: Miss Hammer De Kann
GMT-0 usually at afternoons/nights
bump up this thread.
Ill take the summoning stones
Storm Rider CM
Please can I buy your adept focus core, @ stated price.
IGN: Spread The Love
Thank you
IGN: Spread The Love
Thank you
I'll take those "Measure for Measure" mods if they aren't taken yet.
IGN: Voska the Red Mage
Normal Play Hours: 4pm to 8 pm PST
IGN: Voska the Red Mage
Normal Play Hours: 4pm to 8 pm PST
Bump time! List has been updated, thanks for the trades.
@Vlad: All that's left is the Automaton Summoning Stones. Leave your ign if you want them. Thanks.
@Vlad: All that's left is the Automaton Summoning Stones. Leave your ign if you want them. Thanks.
bump it up...
bump tiiiiiime.
Bump time again.
Well, I believe it's about that time again.
time for a bump.
time for a bump.
bump this up.
time for a bump.
B u m p t i m e ! ! !
Is it cool if I... ugh... bump this?
Bump it up DOOOD
bump time again
Aerus Morgal
-Zodiac Staff (20/10 | Curses)[30k]
Automaton Summoning Stone x10 [300g/Each]
ign:Empress Luindy Amor
ign:Empress Luindy Amor
Overdue bump. Someone buy something.
Bump time is fun time. Not really.
B/O on Crates of Firworks 35k
IGN: I Obsidian Angel I
IGN: I Obsidian Angel I
time for a bump.
bump this thang up.
B/O Domination Staff Wrapping, 4k
Zhinu Soulweaver
Zhinu Soulweaver
I'll take the two Kyril's Fervors at 1k each, if they're still available. (Saw another bid on them, but they're still on the front page, so...)
Will be online off and on between 7 and 11 PM EDT
IGN: Rowan Aias
Will be online off and on between 7 and 11 PM EDT
IGN: Rowan Aias
Bump it up, I've been away. I'll try to contact everyone as soon as possible.
Zodiac Scepter (Energy Storage)[10k]
IGN Ishana Damari
IGN Ishana Damari
Shield Handle of Fortitude x1 [5k]
the mordiego
the mordiego
Dervish Kid
Staff Wrapping of Domination Magic [4k]
ign: i monk in nikes
ign: i monk in nikes
I Aitron Lyjin Morning star axe