The item that you'd like isn't priced? Don't worry, this is probably due to the constant fluctuation of the market. Just post your offer and I will get to you right away!
- Shioni Kedamouto X
Crafting material
Bolt of cloth x250
Granite slab x250
Iron ingot x250
Wood plank x250
Golds (inscribable)
Arcane Scepter: Chaos dmg 11-22, req 9 fast casting
Aureate Chalice: energy +12, req 9 inspiration
Azure Recurve bow: max dmg req 9
Composite Shortbow: Piercing dmg 15-28, req 9 markmanship
Ebon flatbow of enchanting: earth dmg 15-28, req 9 markmanship, enchts last 19% longer, 15^50
Korambits: slashing dmg 7-17, req 9 dagger mastery
Majestic focus: energy +12, req 9 domination magic
Savage daggers: slashing dmg 7-17, req 9 dagger mastery
Skeleton shield: armor 16, req 9 tactics
I can see clearly now (20%)
I have the power (+5)
Strenght and honor x4 (15^50)
Swift as the wind (20%)
Dedicated ---> 500g each!
Harpy ranger
Siege turtle
Terrorweb dryder
Word of madness
Elf 15k
Flowstone 30k
Titan 6k
Ventari 50k
Axe Hafts & Grips
Axe grip of defense (+5)
Crippling axe haft (33%)
Poisonous axe haft (33%)
Sundering axe haft (+20/20)
Vampiric axe haft (3/-1)
Bow Bowstrings & Grips
Bow grip of defense x2 (+5)
Bow grip of fortitude (+30)
Dagger Tangs & Handles
Dagger handle of enchanting (20%)
Sundering dagger tang (20%)
Vampiric dagger tang
Hammer Hafts & Grips
Zealous hammer haft (1/-1)
Shield handles
Shield handle of fortitude (+30) sold out
Staff Heads & Wrappings
Hale staff head (+30)
Insightful staff head x3 (+5)
Staff wrapping of defense (+5)
Sword Hilts & Pommels
Sword pommel of defense x2 (+5)
Sword pommel of fortitude (+30) sold out
Scythe Snathes & Grips
Out of stock
Wand wrappings
Wand wrapping of memory x2 (20%)
Bottom left map piece x2
Bottom right map piece x5
Glacial stone x107
Gift of the traveler x5
Grail of might
lockpick x2
Mesmer tome x12
Scroll of resurrection x2
Scroll of berserker's insight
The bison cup
Top left map piece x10
Top right map piece x4