7 Hero - Yway

Yuna Darkangel

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2008


My new 7 hero team for HM

Player can have any other melee build with SY

Divine Ashes

Divine Ashes

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006




Looking over the build at first glance, it's not really necessary to have two dedicated monks in a party in HM. Just the UA would be fine, but I'd replace the ZB with something else.

Sir Baddock

Sir Baddock

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2007


Endemic Warfare


1. Remove the Resurrection Skill off the Talhkora (Add Waste Not, Want Not, Leech Signet, etc.
2. Replace ONE of the Flesh of My Flesh on the Mesmers with Death Pact Signet
3. Remove Orison of Healing, replace it with Patient Spirit
4. Healing Seed in my experience isn't used correctly by Monks, prepare to disable it and micro it for Balling, I wouldn't even use it.
5. Remove Cure Hex from Dunkoro, Place it where Healing Seed is on Tahlkora. Re-Distribute the points from the loss of your only Healing skill on Dunkoro into whatever else you want, not healing.
6. RoJ > SoJ on the Smiting Monk.
7. You have 7 Interrupts (Panic Included), remove CoF from Gwen so that the monk's actually have a chance at using their main form of Energy Management. Replace it with Chaos Storm, Empathy or even Unnatural Signet.
8. Blood Ritual is annoying, Micro it.
9. Have two of the same skill (Minions) is most likely going to lead to issues in areas without a large amount of bodies. I'd drop minions on the MM Necro and perhaps use only Jagged on him as his only MM skill.
10. Blood of the Master is counter-productive when using Bombers, either use Death Nova and don't use blood of the master or use Blood of the Master and not Death Nova. Remember your Ritualist is taking advantage of constantly summoning to do damage, with another MM spamming Minions + Himself using Blood Of The Master you're hurting your damage.

That's all for now. ZB could be an ER Prot Hero - http://www.gwpvx.com/Build:E/Mo_ER_Prot_Hero and as personal preference I'd add an SoS Channeling Rit with Splinter and Smiting for Melee Support, re-distribute the extra attributes on your Necromancer by losing Splinter Weapon into Death and Soul Reaping.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2010

Italy, Turin



^Is all there. Your first issue should be replace ZB monk for Er prot, and slot Splinter on Rit or Nec(on the first would be better. @ 15+channel splinter is incredible compared to the 12 channel spec. Also, SoS is a worthy elite).

m i L e s

m i L e s

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2008

Attention Deficit Pancakes [adp]


i tested out the build earlier, works fine.
i just dont see why he has to take out the ZB monk, the build has enough killing power, to support having 2 monks. the prot helps in certain areas, so i say keep it.

some notes i had...
1. dont add patient sprit in place of orison, heroes fail with it.
2. too many interrupts, so many change out a few.
3. replace healing seed on tahlk with cure hex, and take off cure hex on dunk and add in remove hex maybe.
4. replace mend condition with mend aliment.

thats about all i noticed while giving it a quick go through. good build overall though, nice work

Sir Baddock

Sir Baddock

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2007


Endemic Warfare


Heroes do not fail with Patient Spirit, I have spent far to much time Micro'ing every single hero in my party and Patient Spirit is used correctly 7 times out of 10, that's not perfect but it's better then most skills.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

Amazon Basin [AB]


It's not that they don't know when to use patient spirit. It's that it doesn't immediately push the bar up, and any other heal skills on any hero often get cast on the same target while patient is still hanging, resulting in an overheal unless the specific target was under a ton of pressure. If you want patient to do anything useful, you really have to watch what other heal skills are around.

Yuna Darkangel

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2008


BotM is here to keep minions alive between fights not during fights.

Smite monk don't have enough energy for RoJ (due to strength of honor)

Orison of healing is still better than patient spirit for heroes.



Tea Powered

Join Date: May 2008



Originally Posted by Yuna Darkangel View Post

BotM is here to keep minions alive between fights not during fights.

Smite monk don't have enough energy for RoJ (due to strength of honor)

Orison of healing is still better than patient spirit for heroes. Orison of Healing is bad. It's so incredibly bad that there is never any reason to take it once you get half way through the Prophecies campaign.
You're using Healer's Boon to power single target heals, so just ditch it and take Word of Healing - also ditch Orison and Ethereal Light (another pretty poor heal).
Ditch the Prot Monk and stick Prot Spirit, Aegis and perhaps Shield of Absorption on your Nec MM. Also Icy Veins is a trash elite.
Whatever goes in that slot (ideally some sort of Spirit Rit) should be capable of taking Splinter Weapon.

On Patient Spirit:
Patient Spirit has a horrible tendency to cause inefficiencies when played with a second source of heals (e.g. two monks with heals). In the hands of heroes, it can even lead to inefficiencies when there's only a single source.
This is made worse when the Prot Monk has Zealous Benediction, since there's a chance the inefficiency moves from a wasted 5e on the Heal Monk to a wasted 10e on the Prot Monk.

Fortunately, with WoH and DKiss on the Heal monk you don't want to take Patient Spirit anyway.

Also, the reason why your Smite Monk can't fuel RoJ is because it has zero energy management. Not that it matters too much; he serves his purpose by merely maintaining SoH and casting the odd spell under Smiter's Boon.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

Amazon Basin [AB]


Drop judge's insight to get your energy up, it does nothing for daggers, unless you are in an undead heavy area. You can add a low-spec waste not want not for energy, bane signet, divine healing, a hard rez, etc.