Guild Wars: Prophecies GotY Edition
I want to purchase Guild Wars: Prophecies GotY Edittion so I can get the Nevermore Flatbow using the '/bonus' command, but how do I know that I won't get a different weapon?
Don't buy the GotY edition, go to Upgrades in the In Game Store and buy the Game of the Year Upgrade, which guarantees you the bow and other weapons, allow with an imp
Do I get a weapon with each character I create? Or is it just a one-time deal, in which case, what guarantees I'll get the Nevermore Flatbow?
I delete and remake on a daily basis for the past few years and I have always been able to use the /bonus command and get all of the weapons and the imp. You can do it as many times as you like and even if you delete the weapons you can still /bonus and replace them. It's actually a fantastic thing to have if you ever decide to get LDoA since you will have weapons with the highest amount of damage output once you reach the required 9 attribute points.
You get access to all of the weapons listed in that update, which includes the nevermore flatbow, along with several other weapons. You can use the /bonus command on any of your characters as many times as you want. If you delete one or more of the weapons, you can recreate them whenever you are a town by typing /bonus. You can only have one of each type off weapon in your inventory or equipped at a time (aka you can't have 3 nevermore flatbows at once), though you can get around that by equipping them to your heroes then creating more (assuming you have access to heroes). click here ( for the list of weapons you get with the upgrade.
Hope that answers your question.
EDIT: whoops, was ninja'd by MidnightOokami.
Hope that answers your question.
EDIT: whoops, was ninja'd by MidnightOokami.
Ghull Ka
Do I get a weapon with each character I create? Or is it just a one-time deal, in which case, what guarantees I'll get the Nevermore Flatbow?
You just can't have 2 copies of the same bonus item in your bags/backpack at the same time.
So this will work:
1. /bonus
2. Drag everything it created into the trash! Woo!
3. Goto 1
But this won't work:
1. /bonus
2. /bonus again to have 2 copies of everything
Although this will work:
1. /bonus
2. Place items on heroes or in storage
3. /bonus -- yay new items appear in backpack!
Just an FYI - it doesn't have to be purchased from the NCSoft store. I originally bought the GotY edition off of Steam, and it came with the bow, imp, etc.
IT gives you a weapon for every core class and a fire imp. What you do not want, you can trash. type /bonus again to get them back the next time you decide you want something in the list back.
Thank you all very much. I greatly appreciate it!