Hey guys, after a computer crash, I finally bought a new comp. Saw that the prices have changed so I kinda need your help! =)
If u could give me a pc on these items, I'll be very gratefull.
All items are gold, unless otherwisely noticed
Falchion req8 15^50 tyrian
Shadow Blade req9 15^50 tyrian perfect
Legendary sword req9 inscripable
zodiac sword req9 inscrip perfect
Fellblade req9 inscrip perfect
Celestial sword req10 +19% while hexed tyrian
Diamond Aegis req9 tactics str+1 19% tyrian
Ancient shield req 9+12 tactics inscripable
Gloom Shield blue req 9 tactics inscripable
Gloom Shield brown req 10 tactics inscripable
Eternal shield req9 strenght str+1 19% tyrian
Dragoncrest Axe req 9 15^50 tyrian
Chaos Axe req 9 axe mastery +1 19% tyrian
Other weapons:
Zealous Zodiac Daggers req 13 +15 -10 tyrian
Zodiac Scepter req 13 dom req13 +5^50 tyrian
(BLUE) Grim Cesta req8 death magic +12 energy inscripable
Saurian Scythe req 11 inscrip
Storm Bow req 11 inscrip
Shadow bow req 10 15^50 tyrian
Thorn Wolf
Necrid Horsemen
Temple guardian
Jade Armor
Siege Turtle
Cave Spider
Black moa and celestial rat dedicated.
Hope you can help me!
Some (hopefully) worthy things.. =)
Double Sized
Bright Star Shine
Hey guys, after a computer crash, I finally bought a new comp. Saw that the prices have changed so I kinda need your help! =)
If u could give me a pc on these items, I'll be very gratefull. All items are gold, unless otherwisely noticed Swords: Falchion req8 15^50 tyrian 30-40e Shadow Blade req9 15^50 tyrian perfect 15-20k Legendary sword req9 inscripable15-20k zodiac sword req9 inscrip perfect20-30k Fellblade req9 inscrip perfect10-25k Celestial sword req10 +19% while hexed tyrianmerch. Shields: Diamond Aegis req9 tactics str+1 19% tyrian Also, canthan^^ Merch Ancient shield req 9+12 tactics inscripable5-10k for q9, merch q12 Gloom Shield blue req 9 tactics inscripable blue?? Anyway, 10-15k Gloom Shield brown req 10 tactics inscripable You mean dyed, perhaps? 5-10k Eternal shield req9 strenght str+1 19% tyrian Merch Axes: Dragoncrest Axe req 9 15^50 tyrian 20-30k Chaos Axe req 9 axe mastery +1 19% tyrianmerch Other weapons: Zealous Zodiac Daggers req 13 +15 -10 tyrianmerch Zodiac Scepter req 13 dom req13 +5^50 tyrianmerch (BLUE) Grim Cesta req8 death magic +12 energy inscripable 10-15k Saurian Scythe req 11 inscripmerch Storm Bow req 11 inscrip[B]merch/5k[B] Shadow bow req 10 15^50 tyrian5-10k Hope you can help me! |
req8 15^50 falchion much closer to 15e, not anywhere near 30-40e imo. It took me a while to sell at 15e so more like 15-20e ish