Some (hopefully) worthy things.. =)

Double Sized

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2011

Knock Out


Hey guys, after a computer crash, I finally bought a new comp. Saw that the prices have changed so I kinda need your help! =)
If u could give me a pc on these items, I'll be very gratefull.

All items are gold, unless otherwisely noticed
Falchion req8 15^50 tyrian
Shadow Blade req9 15^50 tyrian perfect
Legendary sword req9 inscripable
zodiac sword req9 inscrip perfect
Fellblade req9 inscrip perfect
Celestial sword req10 +19% while hexed tyrian

Diamond Aegis req9 tactics str+1 19% tyrian
Ancient shield req 9+12 tactics inscripable
Gloom Shield blue req 9 tactics inscripable
Gloom Shield brown req 10 tactics inscripable
Eternal shield req9 strenght str+1 19% tyrian

Dragoncrest Axe req 9 15^50 tyrian
Chaos Axe req 9 axe mastery +1 19% tyrian

Other weapons:
Zealous Zodiac Daggers req 13 +15 -10 tyrian
Zodiac Scepter req 13 dom req13 +5^50 tyrian
(BLUE) Grim Cesta req8 death magic +12 energy inscripable
Saurian Scythe req 11 inscrip
Storm Bow req 11 inscrip
Shadow bow req 10 15^50 tyrian

Thorn Wolf
Necrid Horsemen
Temple guardian
Jade Armor
Siege Turtle
Cave Spider
Black moa and celestial rat dedicated.

Hope you can help me!

Bright Star Shine

Bright Star Shine

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2009


Club of a Thousand Pandas [LOD???]


Originally Posted by Double Sized View Post
Hey guys, after a computer crash, I finally bought a new comp. Saw that the prices have changed so I kinda need your help! =)
If u could give me a pc on these items, I'll be very gratefull.

All items are gold, unless otherwisely noticed
Falchion req8 15^50 tyrian 30-40e
Shadow Blade req9 15^50 tyrian perfect 15-20k
Legendary sword req9 inscripable15-20k
zodiac sword req9 inscrip perfect20-30k
Fellblade req9 inscrip perfect10-25k
Celestial sword req10 +19% while hexed tyrianmerch.

Diamond Aegis req9 tactics str+1 19% tyrian Also, canthan^^ Merch
Ancient shield req 9+12 tactics inscripable5-10k for q9, merch q12
Gloom Shield blue req 9 tactics inscripable blue?? Anyway, 10-15k
Gloom Shield brown req 10 tactics inscripable You mean dyed, perhaps? 5-10k
Eternal shield req9 strenght str+1 19% tyrian Merch

Dragoncrest Axe req 9 15^50 tyrian 20-30k
Chaos Axe req 9 axe mastery +1 19% tyrianmerch

Other weapons:
Zealous Zodiac Daggers req 13 +15 -10 tyrianmerch
Zodiac Scepter req 13 dom req13 +5^50 tyrianmerch
(BLUE) Grim Cesta req8 death magic +12 energy inscripable 10-15k
Saurian Scythe req 11 inscripmerch
Storm Bow req 11 inscrip[B]merch/5k[B]
Shadow bow req 10 15^50 tyrian5-10k

Hope you can help me!
1 thing: Tyrian =/= uninscr... Most of the weapons you called tyrian are actually canthan..



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2010


One Big Family


req8 15^50 falchion much closer to 15e, not anywhere near 30-40e imo. It took me a while to sell at 15e so more like 15-20e ish