These are all my multiple copies of the same miniatures that I kept from when I was doing my HoM. They're now taking up too much space, and I honestly have no use for most of them, so I'm trying to get rid of them fast and cheap. They are all UNDEDICATED. Prices are listed below:
Year 2
Heket Warrior - 1.5k - SOLD
Palawa Joko (Purple) - 18k - SOLD
Lich (Gold) - 34k - SOLD
Year 3
Irukandji - 6k - SOLD
Roaring Ether - 8k - SOLD
Freezie (Purple) - 22k - SOLD
Year 4
Word of Madness - 15k
Abomination - 15k - SOLD
Desert Griffin - 15k - SOLD
Dagnar Stonepate (Gold) - 38k - SOLD
Year 5
Summit Giant Herder - 24k - SOLD
Cobalt Scabara - 33k - SOLD
Scourge Manta - 24k - SOLD
Ventari (Purple) - 40k - SOLD
Prices are negotiable. Please contact me in-game at Aero Kinesis / Azure Elementium.
Assorted Y2-5 Gold/Purple/White Miniatures Sale
Aero Kinesis
Will take
Heket Warrior
Roaring Ether
Summit Giant Herder
Scourge Manta
IF they are undedicate, otherwise ignore this offer
IGN: Magic Ling
Heket Warrior
Roaring Ether
Summit Giant Herder
Scourge Manta
IF they are undedicate, otherwise ignore this offer
IGN: Magic Ling
Witte Was
Irukandji, Dessert Griffon, and Hekket Warrior
IGN: Witte Was
IGN: Witte Was
Nicey Spachos
Cobalt Scabara - 33k
Please and Thank You
IGN: Taijutsu Master
Please and Thank You
IGN: Taijutsu Master
Aero Kinesis
bumping. everything must go~
Aero Kinesis
bumping! <33
Word of Madness - 15k
ign: jeska windreaver
ign: jeska windreaver