PC Q10chaos axe/q9celestial shield/q10ghostly staff


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2011

grenths black dragons


chaos axe of shelter
dmg:6-28 q10 axe mastery
dmg +14(while health is above 50%)
Armor +7(vs phisical dmg)

celestial shield of devotion
Armor:16 q9 tactics
health +44(while enchanted)
inscription: none

defensive ghostly staff of endurance
halves skill recharge of spells (chance 20%)
energy +10
chaos dmg: 11-22 q10 illusion magic
armor +5
health +43(while in stance)
inscription: "show me the money!"
improved sale value


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2010


chaos 5k/merch
cele ~15k
ghostly ~5k