Unfortunately real life has a lot more to do with gaming than most people would want it to.
Taking the case of the unemployed 14 years old versus the employed busy 40 years old vice president of a successful company with 4 kids. Who has more time to spend in the game? Probably the 14 years old, but isn't this unfair to the vice president? Afterall, computer games are suppose to ignore real life situations right? But do they? Just because the 40 years old vice president worked hard and became successful in real life doesn't imply that he now has to suck in every MMO from now on, or does it? |
You should be getting out of a game what you put in. If you don't have the time to play for 8 hours a day, that's sad and all, but that's life. Some people DO have that time for whatever reasons and even with dumbing the game down for those who don't, the ones who do have the time and skill will always achieve more and there will always be people who whine about that. I MUCH prefer that over MMOs which require more in terms of RL money to play, usually with the game being totally unbalanced for people who can't afford to pump the money in constantly or in massive quantities. As has been said many times, there are a lot of games out there which pretty much require you to pay to progress at all. The GW cash shop is VERY tame in comparison to a lot of games out there and even the sodding games you see on Facebook.
I could complain that my neighbour has an extra 3 inches of garden more than myself due to how the boundaries are drawn up and that is unfair, why should I have less garden than him when our properties are valued the same etc etc. That's life. If you're an adult, then you will grasp the fact that you can't have your own way all the time and that some people can do things that you can't for various reasons. So far what you're saying seems to be "BAWWW I CAN'T PLAY GAMES ALL THE TIME AND PEOPLE HAVE MORE STUFF THAN ME SO MY E-PEEN IS SUFFERING!!!1!".
Dude, it's a freaking game. It's not hard to earn that GWAMM or that 30/50. You remember being at school and there was always that kid who would come last in every race in sports? I'm afraid that's true of a lot of situations. Even if you don't hit GWAMM, it doesn't mean that you didn't have the time, it could mean that you're just not that good at the game (which is actually pretty hard, I might point out). If you're a casual player like the group you're trying to defend here, why would what progress you make in a game matter to you? I don't BAWWW my eyes out because people are better at trading than I am, do faster SCs or have more GWAMMs. I just accept it. I know there are people who have the money to splash out on many multiple accounts which they use for Nick gifts etc, people who could afford merc heroes... I don't see this as "unfair". People are using what they have available to them (within the EULA I might add) to play the game how they like.
I will also agree with the point made about newer players buying runs meaning that they learn jack all about their professions and how to play the actual game. Wiki is there for a reason, so it Guru and bloody hell, it's GUILD Wars so you'd think that they'd be getting help and support from their guilds? There is more than enough info out there now for a game that is almost 6 years old to allow people to complete it and get GWAMM.
Now, I'm not saying that buying all in game services is wrong, buying tours of areas after you've completed the game a couple of times is understandable. I'll admit that I've had a couple of characters run through EotN but as for storyline completion, no. Having said that, there's a great difference between having a guildie run Imperial Sanctum for you so you can carto/get armour/for the ZB and having someone run every mission in Factions for you because you can't be bothered to play through the campaign again. At the moment I have guildies and allies playing through Nightfall on different characters to get them to DoA. We're all partying with each other despite the 7 hero thing because it's fun and we're all working on the same thing so why not do it together? We could probably all buy our way through the campaigns but why bother wasting the money when we can have a good time and get to master those professions better?
But at the end of the day, how many new players will have the amount of cash it takes to buy their way through a campaign? Probably none. In the time it will take them to get that cash (unless they buy plat), they will most likely have done the part of the story that they were stuck on in the first place. As for the "how does it affect me" part, not a great deal until I party with them and realise they're terribad at playing their character, in which case I don't party with them again. For the most part I don't party outside of my guild/alliance and will only pug for lulz or if there's a couple of spots left in a party that need to be filled. So no, on a personal level it doesn't matter to me a huge deal, but as it was brought up... :P
There will always be people "above" you in terms of gameplay. No amount of money IRL or in game will change that, sorry.
Now back to your original post:
Would you pay real money or in-game gold for someone to lend you their team of heroes (assume they have all skills and heroes unlocked, including merc heroes, and fully runed and equipped)?
Or for an even more expensive option, have that someone perform the quest/mission/vanquish for you while you afk. |
Or would you rather let that someone have access to your account to gain experience/titles for your characters, for you? |
Your original idea is full of laziness, flaws, qqing and fail for all the reasons listed above.