Inscriptions and Mods
Aptitude not Attitude 20%
Don't Call it a comeback +7
Wand Wrapping of Quickening 10%
Swift Staff Head 10%
Insightful Staff Head +5
To the Pain! +15% -10 armor
Furious Sword Hilt 10%
Vampiric Bowstring 5:-1
Vampiric Sword Hilt 3:-1
Hale and Hearty +5
Bow Grip of Enchanting 20%
Purple Minis
Koss x2 - 15k each
Nian - 35k
Jora - 35k
White Minis
Word of Madness - 20k
Mursaat - 10k
Aatxe - 8k
Irukandji - 10k
Fungal Wallow - 5k
Jade Armor - 5k
Fire Imp - 10k
Raptor - 10k
Harpy Ranger - 10k
Scourge Manta - 35k
Abyssal - 10k
Dredge Brute - 20k
Summit Giant Herder - 35k
Kveldulf - 20k
Shard Wolf - 35k
Low Ball Bids will be ignored...
Gold Weapons, Inscriptions, Mods, and Minipets
Rinkster of War
Rinkster of War
Bumping my thread.
Retracting offers
Rinkster of War
Bumping this again. Really want to get rid of some of this stuff.
Sarax The Hateful
i offer a total of 30k for the following
Word of Madness
Scourge Manta
Dredge Brute
Summit Giant Herder
Shard Wolf
ign Sarax The Hateful
Word of Madness
Scourge Manta
Dredge Brute
Summit Giant Herder
Shard Wolf
ign Sarax The Hateful