need help with monk farming build



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2010

9 Points

Dark Clan Au


ok, so i thought id take a crack at all this farming and stuff :P
so i done a bit of reading and chosen to go with a 55monk build, but was wondering what secondary profession i should choose?
iv seen a few video's but still a bit noobish at farming

cheers for assists



Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2010



Spoil Victor (necro) skill is popular. In all honesty though I wouldn't bother with a 55 any more. Try SOS'ing the underworld or farm Vaettir with a sin (your monk can also do this.)


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2011


For The Motherland


I'd also say make a rit and do UW. I suck at it, usually die after about 10 kills. But getting 1 ecto in maybe 3 runs makes it worth it. And if you aren't that good, you could always farm feathers in Jaya Bluffs, which is very easy with SoS. Infact, you dont even need to make a ritualist to farm there, your 2nd prof as rit will do.

I Sassy I

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2011

First in Battle


55 Monk doesnt work so well anymore, some area's still possible, but the farm nerve with enemies scattering doesnt help with solo 55.

A Ritualist makes a better 105hp farmer than a 55 monk, but still you will sit with the scatter problem. SoS Rit for UW works verywell in NM, but dual Rit's UW works perfect.

For me the ELE has been the best farmer in the last 5 years of Guild Wars. It can basically do anything. 330hp Ele > 55 monk.

The Only Warrior

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006

Guild Hall



Mo/D 55 with Mystic Regen
Mo/Me 55 with Mantra of Resolve(for areas with interupt)
Mo/x 55 Healing Breeze+Mending! (handles poison+bleeding, dont get set on fire.)

Try Bergen Bot Springs, 55s still work if u dont have WiK...or you could farm nm....

ele kid

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2008




55's do work in UW, although due to dying nightmares your enchantments will be quickly removed. if you are willing to farm ectos, i'd recommend a 100b(hundred blades) warrior or VoS(vow of strength) dervish.
55's are used at gates of kryta, to farm bones and decayed orr emblems. in (NM)

I don't know if you are already aware of multiple possibilities of elite skills, but a few are SS(spiteful Spirit), SV(spoil victor) SOJ(shield of judgement) and in certain areas ROJ(ray of judgement. from what I know it is possible to bring ele AoE skills but i dont know if they work properly.

+I think as a monk it'd be wise to go "duo farming", e.g. city of torc'qua for margonite gemstones playing a bonder. or SB(spellbreaker) in UW


Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2007


55`s will work if - war in kryta is finished and you have no war bounties active on that chr.
Otherwise you will get the annoying helpers spawn just outside of bergen - if your solo they are extremely annoying lol.

Captain Bulldozer

Captain Bulldozer

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2008

Servants of the Dragon Flames [SODF]

The 55 Monk farmer is quite a bit out of date, but can still handle a few places. Some of the better secondaries include Necro (for SS/SV and insidious parasite), Ritualist (for VwK and Vengful weapon... though this one messes with you actually being at 55 health), Dervish (for mystic regeneration and scythe/aoe damage) and mesmer (for interrupt prevention and armor ignoring damage).

The number of locations that a 55 farmer will still work isn't huge, but you can still find plenty of places where it will work, all over the globe in fact. You can even run a few missions with 55 variants, though there are often better options these days.

You can also do some decent 55ing on an assassin using Shadow form, though the damage output stinks.

One fairly easy spot is Minister Cho's estate... either the explorable or the HM mission (take a necro secondary and a corpse jumping skill). Also9 one that is often overlooked is farming the ettins near the Ascalonian settlement in Kryta. Its kind of annoying to get there, but the ettins drop quite a lot of runes, so there's that.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2010

9 Points

Dark Clan Au


ok, yeh, so given me loads to think about
didnt realise that the 55 monk was so out :P

ok, i was thinkin of startin an ritualist on factions and getting that in order.
what would second profession should i choose for that? rit/mo or rit/R?

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

It doesn't really matter. Rits (especially Spirit Spam builds) don't need anything other professions provide because they have all they need. Perhaps just take /R for messing around with Splinter Barrage builds when you get bored in PvE. You'll be able to switch them around fairly quickly in Factions anyway.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2010

9 Points

Dark Clan Au


well cheers for that guys, all this farming is really new to me, so i reckon i will stick it out with the rit for now and see what happens i guess
might jump on youtube and see if i can see some in action to get the feel for it all