11 Apr 2011 at 17:32 - 8
The 55 Monk farmer is quite a bit out of date, but can still handle a few places. Some of the better secondaries include Necro (for SS/SV and insidious parasite), Ritualist (for VwK and Vengful weapon... though this one messes with you actually being at 55 health), Dervish (for mystic regeneration and scythe/aoe damage) and mesmer (for interrupt prevention and armor ignoring damage).
The number of locations that a 55 farmer will still work isn't huge, but you can still find plenty of places where it will work, all over the globe in fact. You can even run a few missions with 55 variants, though there are often better options these days.
You can also do some decent 55ing on an assassin using Shadow form, though the damage output stinks.
One fairly easy spot is Minister Cho's estate... either the explorable or the HM mission (take a necro secondary and a corpse jumping skill). Also9 one that is often overlooked is farming the ettins near the Ascalonian settlement in Kryta. Its kind of annoying to get there, but the ettins drop quite a lot of runes, so there's that.