want to sell:
(all items are oldsq/tyrian; check pic below for stats/skins; some items have hidden r/b but most of them dont; i might add some b/o´s later)
1 zodiac sword req10 15^ench sold ig for b/o
2 scimitar req9 15^50 b/o 5k
3 white reaver req9 15/-5e c/o 5k saxxon
4 sephis axe req9 e+5 sold for b/o
5 clouded maul req9 15^50 c/o 5k saxxon
6 zodiac hammer req10 15^ench b/o 8k
7 zodiac daggers req11 15^ench b/o 5k
8 jug req12 divine hct prot20% armor+5^50 c/o 10e pleikki r/b 20e b/o 25e
9 shadow shield req10 str -2^stance +10vs undead sold for b/o
10 magmas shield req9 str +43/-2 stance sold ig for b/o
11 platinum wand req9 spawning e+5^50 hct10% sold ig
12 zodiac scepter req13 water hct10% e+5^ench sold for b/o
13 holy rod req9 divine e+4^ench hct divine 20% b/o 5k
14 zodiac staff req9 curses 20/10 c/o 20k candybear r/b 50k b/o 65k
15 shadow staff req9 illu 20/10 c/o
16 celestial staff req9 air 20/10 c/o 5k saxxon r/b 15k b/o 25k
17 smiting staff req12 smite 20/20 smite b/o 5k
18 air staff req9 air 20/20 fire b/o 5k
19 earth staff req9 earth 20/20 earth c/o
NEW 20 water staff req10 water 20/20 water b/o 8k
NEW 21 inscribed chakram req9 dom hct19% dom hp+29 b/o 5k
my ign is elessar tuilere
happy bidding