The I need money to stand in the corner circle and blow it all away thread



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2007


Descendants of Honor


*Edit* I am closing my thread as it has gotten quite old. I still have many of the items not listed as sold so contact me in game if you wish to purchase anything. Thanks for all the offers I tried to contact everybody in game to get them their stuff. The only stuff I have outstanding I have yet to see you in game :P

Welcome to my sell thread Basically I have lots of things I have come by and do not need. Some are pretty great by my standards (cause I'm poor (curse you nine rings!)). Some are skins that may not be worth a lot but are not super common. Hopefully people find a few things that they like!

A few quick rules.

- Offers are welcome!
- I reserve the right to sell in game/not sell/etc,etc.
-I take cash unless otherwise noted. I take lockpicks at 1.2k each in place of cash.
- I have little to no idea what I am doing so bear with my noobish ways - I have good intentions.

The good stuff.


More clovers availible! 2 stacks!

1 Stack of clovers. - 45k SOLD Amyru Hoisin
2 stacks of candy apples - 9e each SOLD s k 1099
2 stacks of candy corn - 9e each SOLD s k 1099
1 stack of pumpkin cookies -30k SOLD s k 1099

Mods (all perfect)

Bow Grip of Demonslaying - 5k
Staff Wrapping of Enchanting - 5k
Furious Scythe Snathe - 2k SOLD s k 1099
Sundering Scythe Snathe - 5k SOLD Eowin of Rohan
Sword Pommel of Enchating x2 - 4k each
Sword Pommel of Fortitude x2 - 4k each
Furious Sword Hilt - 2k
Axe Grip of Enchanting - 2k
Focus Core of Aptitude x2 - 4k each
Shield Handel of Valor - 2k
Wand Wrapping of Quickening - 2k
Furious Spearhead - 10k SOLD s k 1099
Spear Grip of Enchanting - 10k SOLD s k 1099
Spear Grip of Fortitude - 10k SOLD s k 1099


Koles Torment - 2k
Droknars Sword - 10k
Hidesplitters Daggers - 17k
Magmus' Staff - 7k
Chaelse's Staff -17k <- Sold
Travellers Bo Staff - 12k
The Adjudicator -12k Sold 10k LapaEugene
Prismatic Staff -4k


I am aware that some of these are in the merch-5k range but thought somebody might like a particular skin or another. Prices are flexible. Those without prices I just don't know. If you see something and it's way off for price please send me a message I would love the help!

As per photo.

1. s/b 25k b/o ...
2. s/b 20k b/o ...
3. s/b 20k b/o ...
4. b/o 18k
5. s/b 5k <- 5k AtheenaMinerva
6. s/b 11k
7. b/o 3k
8. s/b 100k
9. s/b 5k
10. s/b 5k
11. s/b 5k
12. s/b 30k
13. s/b 5k
14. s/b 5k <- Aly Lightningstorm
15. s/b 25k <- 10k Matrix Arcade
16. s/b 10k
17. s/b 5k
18. s/b 20k
19. s/b 5k
20. s/b 8k

also 4 bison cups 2k each


Mysterious Armor Pieces x1 - 5k
Map Sets x6 - 2k
Unded Mini Jungle Troll (give this cute little guy a home) - 3k SOLD <- Shaikar
Ded Minipets (basically any white and a few purples from year 1-3 for 1k just ask!)

thanks for stopping by! Post Here or find me in game.

Edit: I will be online 8-12pm est. That's 12midnight to 4am GMT
Hope to chat with you then!

IGN: Lysandar Necrar


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2009


Happy Enchanted Heroes [HEH]


s/b 5 pls =)



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

in the midline


7K On Chaelse's Staff

IGN: Life Infusion


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2011


I'm here on behalf of the Troll Resettlement Foundation.

1x unded jungle troll @3k please!

IGN: Shaikar Karasniz



Forge Runner

Join Date: Oct 2008



The Adjudicator -10k on it
IGN Marcella Ranger

s k 1099

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2011



b/o on 3 stacks each (if you have that many stacks available) of the corn and apples.

b/o on one stack each of the pumpkin cookies and clovers.

b/o on all three spear mods furious, enchanting and fortitude.

b/o furious scythe snathe

IGN Amyru Hoisin



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2007


Descendants of Honor


.... bump....

I will be trying to contact those with offers over the weekend thank you.

Matrix Arcade

Matrix Arcade

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2008

???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]

10k on #15, even tho the s/b is 25k. Just ignore the bid if you don't accept under s/b.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2010



Retract, sorry, got an offer in game.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2007


Descendants of Honor



Updated sold list.
Added 2 more stacks of clovers.

Still working on contacting those with offers. Thanks for posting!!

Aly Lightningstorm

Aly Lightningstorm

Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2011


14. s/b 5k

12 characters

Eowin Of Rohan

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2009

The White Seed

Sundering Scythe Snathe - 5k
I'll buy this. (ig = Eowin of Rohan)