Tried henchmen instead of heroes, surprised at results
After failing the Nightfall "Hidden City of Ardashim" quest several times lately, I tried using a party of henchmen instead of heroes (not counting Margrid) and was surprised; they seemed to cut through the genies with no problem. I guess it shows that I need to continue to build up my heroes.
Have you noticed when soloing in the games that it's sometimes better to use henchmen instead of an all-hero party after all? I don't think this will always work, but I'm glad I tried a different tack.
Have you noticed when soloing in the games that it's sometimes better to use henchmen instead of an all-hero party after all? I don't think this will always work, but I'm glad I tried a different tack.
Maybe you use bad builds on heroes and/or don't have them equipped properly?
its a common misconception.
yes, true heros will always be better then henchies....
but the henchies are not bad, its the player and how they go about using and controlling them. YA know we always didn't have heros and players managed
yes, true heros will always be better then henchies....
but the henchies are not bad, its the player and how they go about using and controlling them. YA know we always didn't have heros and players managed

Henchmen, after their builds got updated, got quite useful. They have solid, non-abusive builds. Not the extreme ones that we all carry around these days on 7 heroes, but still solid.
Before 7 hero parties, I sometimes got asked to help some friend/guildie, and it was kinda hard to get them too understand that I'd rather use the henchmen for the 5-7 slots than their heroes who often had quite abysmal builds.
Before 7 hero parties, I sometimes got asked to help some friend/guildie, and it was kinda hard to get them too understand that I'd rather use the henchmen for the 5-7 slots than their heroes who often had quite abysmal builds.
Henchmen generally are disliked by the playerbase. This isn't a matter of them being bad however, it's just that a decked out team of heroes outclasses them with ease since you have the ability to edit your heroes and their builds however you want. Their builds are solid enough to get the job done regardless of one's skill level, it's just a matter of dealing with their shortcomings by picking the right henchmen and aggroing carefully.
Before you can get the over the top, abusive builds (and equipment to go along with them) that everyone knows and loves for their power and stability, henchmen are certainly an option, one that I've used occasionally before 7 heroes became available on any of my newer characters. When playing with randoms it also applies, I've found that a balanced team of henchmen works wonders over the uncommon (for good reason, usually) builds people sometimes end up selecting for their heroes.
Before you can get the over the top, abusive builds (and equipment to go along with them) that everyone knows and loves for their power and stability, henchmen are certainly an option, one that I've used occasionally before 7 heroes became available on any of my newer characters. When playing with randoms it also applies, I've found that a balanced team of henchmen works wonders over the uncommon (for good reason, usually) builds people sometimes end up selecting for their heroes.
Yeah, henchmen really aren't that bad, especially if you don't have your heroes set up well and equipped and everything.
Only a few of my characters have heroes that are all kitted out with runed armor and stuff, and a few that I don't play too much don't even have enough level 20 heroes to fill out a full party. So I still use henchmen with them. They work fine.
Only a few of my characters have heroes that are all kitted out with runed armor and stuff, and a few that I don't play too much don't even have enough level 20 heroes to fill out a full party. So I still use henchmen with them. They work fine.
Yes, henchmen are not that bad. Now that I am better at builds I do not usually bring henchies but before that henchmen saved my butt more than once.
And I rather miss them at times. I like the Fractions archers like Aidan and Zho and the nerco Su, Silverwing and Sister Tai. Usually I would bring that same group of hencies in all my missions before the heroes update. I sometimes miss them...
And I rather miss them at times. I like the Fractions archers like Aidan and Zho and the nerco Su, Silverwing and Sister Tai. Usually I would bring that same group of hencies in all my missions before the heroes update. I sometimes miss them...
if I dont have a good build or (with my mule accounts) enough skills unlocked, yeah henchies are better (I need to unlock a few more elites). My mule accounts usually use some of the henchies, and sometimes it fun to watch mehnlo et al run around like dead chickens!
Amy Awien
henchmen > poorly equipped heroes
As long as you don't have your seven heroes fully equipped with decent builds, weapons and runes it's probably better to focus on just a few with builds that can not be filled by henchmen.
As long as you don't have your seven heroes fully equipped with decent builds, weapons and runes it's probably better to focus on just a few with builds that can not be filled by henchmen.
since the henchmen got updated they've got pretty useful builds, better then most pugs in non 8 man areas for sure and surely better then heroes with bad equips/their default skill bar.
Henchmen are much better now than they used to be - their skill bars have been updated a few times.
But for a player that understands the game/area he is doing, the ability to create synergies and exploit the mobs is incomparable.
But for a player that understands the game/area he is doing, the ability to create synergies and exploit the mobs is incomparable.
Raisu Palace is also a good place to use henchmen (celestial skills) over questionable heroes.
Henchmen, after their builds got updated, got quite useful. They have solid, non-abusive builds. Not the extreme ones that we all carry around these days on 7 heroes, but still solid.
Before 7 hero parties, I sometimes got asked to help some friend/guildie, and it was kinda hard to get them too understand that I'd rather use the henchmen for the 5-7 slots than their heroes who often had quite abysmal builds. |
Could be a slight variation in hench ai and hero ai but was interesting none the less.
Times i feel hench act better than heros at times and i cant really think of any hench glitches in last 2 years but i can think of livia and olias having ai issues in last 2 yrs.
Henchmen aren't bad i completed all but 4 dungeons in HM before 7 heroes update..
Some of the nightfall henchmen are far better than average. I wished I had a VoR and SF ele in other continents. And those factions monks can still go die in a fire.
Thanks for the comments, everyone. Some good points made.
True, but success with endgame NF or EoTN hench does not equate to success with Proph or Factions hench particularly in the early stages.
Something like Crystal desert with just lower level hench can be quite painful.
I finished proph pre hench upgrade with just Hench, it is not something I ever want to do again.
Something like Crystal desert with just lower level hench can be quite painful.
I finished proph pre hench upgrade with just Hench, it is not something I ever want to do again.
Hey, I played for years with 7 henchmen in tow then switched to 3 heroes and 4 hench. I didn't have a problem finishing most stuff, including most vanquishing and HM missions. Those hench really aren't that bad, especially in NF and EotN. I've even finished tombs with my heroes and 4 Zaishen buddies.
The only time hench weren't up to the task was when they simply weren't allowed on the missions (fow, uw, etc). Those are the areas where 7 heroes shine. Otherwise, I still will occasionally bring along a hench if I just don't feel like setting up a hero for a specific build that a hench has available. Earth Ele for example. "Hey Herta, you busy? I gotta job for ya!"
The only time hench weren't up to the task was when they simply weren't allowed on the missions (fow, uw, etc). Those are the areas where 7 heroes shine. Otherwise, I still will occasionally bring along a hench if I just don't feel like setting up a hero for a specific build that a hench has available. Earth Ele for example. "Hey Herta, you busy? I gotta job for ya!"
Henchmen are just fine I use them as a poor mans merc pack
henches top at 12/12. So if you have runes, a decent build, and half decent equipment don't use them.
If you're going to run healing breeze, heal other, glimmering light, and reversal of fortune on your monk for example... it's not much improvement over hench.
If you're going to run healing breeze, heal other, glimmering light, and reversal of fortune on your monk for example... it's not much improvement over hench.
Basically if you don't have a lot of skills unlocked henchmen will usually be better than heroes.
Henchmen are bad, but heroes with terrible bars and health less than 480 are worse.
I can't think of a PvE henchmen that has a good bar; some are merely not bad.
I can't think of a PvE henchmen that has a good bar; some are merely not bad.
Heroes are only as good or as bad as the person picking their builds and equipment.
Henchmen are bad, but heroes with terrible bars and health less than 480 are worse.
I can't think of a PvE henchmen that has a good bar; some are merely not bad. |

Usually, the Evaluation section of the henchman pages show the pros and cons of their bars accurately.
Silmar Alech
Have you noticed when soloing in the games that it's sometimes better to use henchmen instead of an all-hero party after all?
I made great efforts to equip my heroes with decent builds and equipment. I chose builds and equipment that fit together. Not only one hero alone, but also in synergy between heroes and my own build.
You may have not optimized your heroes that way - it takes time and money. There are whole evenings I spend solely with outfitting my heroes. Optimizing their builds. Looking which hero works good together with other heroes.
If you don't cared for your heroes this way, for example if you have only a limited selection of skills for them, or if you don't give them runes, especially energy-, attribute- and health-increasing ones, and appropriate weapons, then you may better get along with henchmen. Henchmen are equipped with somewhat medium-quality builds and equipment. They are better than badly outfitted heroes.
Herta is a star henchess. However Alessia and that silly touch res still gives me nightmares. The one thing about the hench skill update that irked me is that the one and only reason I used warrior henches (other than to kill Shiro at the end of Factions) was to charge me to chest runs. Devona is betetr looking thay Koss (though he is pimptastic) or Goren, and you can never hear charge too much (unless the mastercard is over limit).
I meant that if you run a heal monk, you should at least also bring hex/condition removal. Something like Cure Hex could easily fit on the bar. It's a 6-skill bar for pete's sake. You can fit a couple of skills on there, even 4 more if you throw out Healing Breeze and Orison of Healing. Saying that you shouldn't bring hex/condition removal that doesn't deal damage is a bit off topic if you are talking about a healing hench bar.
Henchies work just fine, especially NF and EotN ones. I like playing with my heroes since I've outfitted them all already and I like having the control over my team, but for my characters who don't have well-put-together heroes henchmen are great.
The Hidden City was a b**** the first few times I tried it when I first started playing 3 years ago. I had no idea what I was doing and my guild finally took pity on me and dragged me through it. I didn't even have any elite skills yet! XD So lame...
The Hidden City was a b**** the first few times I tried it when I first started playing 3 years ago. I had no idea what I was doing and my guild finally took pity on me and dragged me through it. I didn't even have any elite skills yet! XD So lame...
Skyy High
Henchmen don't have any runes, nor do they have anything beyond max white weapons as far as I know, so if you're seeing a difference between your heroes and the henchies, it must all be about your builds.
The Mountain
Of course, proper equipage will always make heroes better, but fresh out-of-the-box heroes (without any runes, incorrect wep classifications, or ANY changes except lvl 20) with the right builds will rip through areas much more easily than hench.
Henchmen are great and they have gotten me through so many missions but Heroes are oh so much better and just have that "umph."
chilly willy
if henchmen work better for you compared to heroes then you cant make builds if your life depended on it. if im on another character besides my main ill use henchmen till i get heroes but once i get heroes its on. i never equip my heroes on alts and have gotten through damn near all of the campaigns with them. my 2 alts are farming characters rit and sin. main is war. henchmen are placeholders or fillers in my opinion most of them have zero energy management and lack in proper stat point adjustments. the only henchmen i think are useful are chiyo(sos resto rit), cynn in eotn(does ok), sogolon(ok for resto backup), and mhenlo and lina in eotn only because they have a tad bit more energy management. with 7 heroes i never need to use them anymore but i can do ok with them if i have to use them for some reason but heros are much much better.
Back in the pre-heroes days Thunderhead Keep mission was an infamous bottleneck. I tried and tried to complete that mission using 7 henchies, and never succeeded. Came close a couple of times but always wiped. Once heroes became available it became very easy, even in HM. I'm going to go back and see if I can now do the mission with henchies - this is something I've been meaning to try for a while.
its a common misconception.
yes, true heros will always be better then henchies.... but the henchies are not bad, its the player and how they go about using and controlling them. YA know we always didn't have heros and players managed ![]() |
If you dont have the builds use the henchmen, henchmen can deal with the main game just fine.
chilly willy
Back in the pre-heroes days Thunderhead Keep mission was an infamous bottleneck. I tried and tried to complete that mission using 7 henchies, and never succeeded. Came close a couple of times but always wiped. Once heroes became available it became very easy, even in HM. I'm going to go back and see if I can now do the mission with henchies - this is something I've been meaning to try for a while.