For the rest of this post, we are going to assume that every player has at least a "normal" level, not exceptionally great and not exceptionally bad.
There is a very easy way to combat monks if you are playing on the luxon side . . . Dom Mesmers. You can pretty much shutdown a monk completely just by maintaining diversion and shame on them.
Well if we are going to go into theories, I can think of 3 outcomes :
-you manage to shutdown the monk
-you manage to shutdown the monk, but he isn't the only one healing and you can't shut down the other on your own
-you manage to shutdown the monk once, and then for the rest of the match ever kurzick that understood what you are doing (because some called you or because they saw it) will come and kill you before you even have the chance to cast diversion.
Of course, there are so many variables like how many monks are there, are you the only one putting this kind of pressure on the monk, what is the rest of your team and what is the rest of their team and how "smart" are they.
When I think of it, I am so glad that FA is random. If people actually made teams, 90% of the kurzick team would be filled with monks and rits. You can try to bring a mix of dom mesmers and necroes, but I don't think that it's going to be much wonder with 4 players protecting the outergates.
I still don't get it why people complain about losing on kurzick side if they aren't bringing a monk or a rit. It's like complaining that HM is too hard for a mesmer using frenzy and wearing starter armor : you have a choice to make it easier, do it, instead of complaining.
Of course this is all just theory talk :
-how many games are there with really more than 3 monks/rits on kurzick side ?
-how many games have more than 1 anti-monk on luxon side ?
-how many games have team that try to organize a startegy ?
Not that much, and this is why someone, on any side could get a 50/50 win/lose. (Well getting 50/50 win/lose on kurzick side is kind of bad...).
FA is random, but, and I have said it before, the map imbalance (rez points and NPCs) aren't and clearly give an advantage to kuzicks.