Never farmed.
Okay my best char is a w/mo i have all expansions. I have never farmed and i really want to so please help me

Divine Ashes
That's a good place to start.
That's a good place to start.
Sir Baddock
I'll be the first to say it, Warriors aren't used very frequently in farming, much of the farming currently is done by Elemetalists, Ritualists, Assassins (definitely assassins), Mesmers and Necromancers. You have a few options you could be a 100B in FoW, you could farm trolls, could Solo-farm smites, you could also pug things like UW with friends but outside of the rare occurrences that Warriors are used in farming you'd honestly be better off making a character specifically for farming and learning how to play it.
I've been playing a Warrior since Guild Wars launched in both PvE and PvP.
I've been playing a Warrior since Guild Wars launched in both PvE and PvP.
Marty Silverblade
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