r9 BDS, monthly El tonic sale
Lady S Shiva
earth c/o 90e
healing SOLD
death b/o 150e
illusion b/o 60e
dom SOLD
insp c/o--
restor 1 c/o--
restor 2 c/o--
restor 3 c/o--
air b/o 65e
fire SOLD
12 Everlasting monthly tonic, package deal 300e or offer on each
have fun bidding
70e heal BDS
Spiteful Ranger
80e earth bds ign: Spiteful Ranger
Qq Distract
100e dom (thanks! =D)
90e Heal
90e Earth
50e Air
100e Fire
Qq Distract
90e Heal
90e Earth
50e Air
100e Fire
Qq Distract
Lady S Shiva
Bump bump bump
20e on the inspiration.
IGN; Sinfully Sinful.
IGN; Sinfully Sinful.