closed due to ventari forum violations



Join Date: Apr 2011


EDITED by cosyfiep for the following guideline violations: Multiple Accounts Posting: While having an alternate account is not in itself a bannable offense but highly discouraged, you are not allowed to use multiple accounts to gain any kind of advantage:

- shill bidding
any violation will result in all alternate accounts being closed permanently and a lengthy ban (1-4 weeks) to the primary account (the one with the most posts)
Users who share a computer or IP are easily misinterpreted as being a single user with alternate accounts.
If you share a computer or IP with another GWG user, please inform a member of the Ventari's staff. Remember to add both your GWG user names.
If you do not ensure we have this information, you risk having your threads closed and your accounts sanctioned. Your thread is now closed

Please read the Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2009


30e on the Celestial shield.
IGN: Vizi Le Pur


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2011

Coucou Tu Veux Voir Ma Bip [SekS]


50e celestial .....




Join Date: Dec 2005

Nunya Bizness

pupu / SLAP


150e Celestial Shield................



Join Date: Mar 2011


250e on cele..............
EDITED by cosyfiep
for the following guideline violations: Multiple Accounts Posting: While having an alternate account is not in itself a bannable offense but highly discouraged, you are not allowed to use multiple accounts to gain any kind of advantage:

- shill bidding
any violation will result in all alternate accounts being closed permanently and a lengthy ban (1-4 weeks) to the primary account (the one with the most posts)
Users who share a computer or IP are easily misinterpreted as being a single user with alternate accounts.
If you share a computer or IP with another GWG user, please inform a member of the Ventari's staff. Remember to add both your GWG user names.
If you do not ensure we have this information, you risk having your threads closed and your accounts sanctioned. Your thread is now closed

Please read the Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.



Join Date: Apr 2011


300 ectoplasm for shield

EDITED by cosyfiep
for the following guideline violations: Multiple Accounts Posting: While having an alternate account is not in itself a bannable offense but highly discouraged, you are not allowed to use multiple accounts to gain any kind of advantage:

- shill bidding
any violation will result in all alternate accounts being closed permanently and a lengthy ban (1-4 weeks) to the primary account (the one with the most posts)
Users who share a computer or IP are easily misinterpreted as being a single user with alternate accounts.
If you share a computer or IP with another GWG user, please inform a member of the Ventari's staff. Remember to add both your GWG user names.
If you do not ensure we have this information, you risk having your threads closed and your accounts sanctioned. Your thread is now closed

Please read the Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.

Shling Shling


Join Date: Oct 2006

All The Ectos Are[GoNe]


350e celestial shield

EDITED by cosyfiep
for the following guideline violations: Multiple Accounts Posting: While having an alternate account is not in itself a bannable offense but highly discouraged, you are not allowed to use multiple accounts to gain any kind of advantage:

- shill bidding
any violation will result in all alternate accounts being closed permanently and a lengthy ban (1-4 weeks) to the primary account (the one with the most posts)
Users who share a computer or IP are easily misinterpreted as being a single user with alternate accounts.
If you share a computer or IP with another GWG user, please inform a member of the Ventari's staff. Remember to add both your GWG user names.
If you do not ensure we have this information, you risk having your threads closed and your accounts sanctioned. Your thread is now closed

Please read the Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.