if you do it right
oozepits will take you 25-40 minutes
cof will take you 1hr-1hr 30 mins
rating the difficulty of this build
oozepits: easy once you learn where to tank
cathedral of flames: difficult

skill explanation:
vow of silence: its like shadow form except you cant cast spells while using it and it has a much shorter cooldown, however you can maintain it.
grenths aura: its instant cast so you can easily put it up before being the target of a spell while you put up vow of silence right after.
you are all weaklings: its a ranged aoe weakness for oozepits, and cathedral of flames most of the mobs use melee attacks, meaning youll weaken all of them at once.
hear of fury: increased attack speed
sneak attack: its a blind

aura slicer: provides cracked armor so you can do more damage before using reap impurities
reap impurities: causes adjacent aoe damage thats spammable if they have a condition
i am unstoppable: makes you unable to be crippled or knocked down.
cast grenths aura before you cast vow of silence maintain vow of silence, grenths aura, and heart of fury.
while its recharging use aura slicer + reap impurities
aura slicer will provide a condition reap impurities will provide the nuke
IF your taking heavy damage use sneak attack or you are all weaklings
IF your getting kded to much (oozepits) put i am unstoppable up
max armor set
wind prayers helmet
minor wind prayers/scythe mastery
major mysticism
rune of vitae
best vigor rune you can afford
blessed insignias
max damage
vampiric scythe snate
scythe grip of enchanting
guided by fate
*optional* customized for 20% more damage

oozepits fastest route

for ooze pits you will need a sos player/hero to kill 2 incubuses that would otherwise own you

the boss is also impossible to kill the first time, its not so much them its what comes after

Cathedral of Flames:
keep forgetting to take a screenshot before i zone to the other floors >.<
change i am unstoppable for a run skill i recommend dash
skip as much charr as possible, should only be 3-4 groups you NEED to fight
skip the huge enchanted room
for undead just kite them into a corner
WARNING: crypt wraiths can interrupt your vow of silence, you should be fine still just blind the crypt stalkers and stay out of roj until vow of silence comes back up.
for enchanted: try to obstruct them by using a corner theres only one group that you cant obstruct just wait for them to turn around then charge theyll ball up
Faze Magekiller: charge the seeker by running in a arc so you can attack the warriors also and blind them after those die go after the hex reaper or whatever is balled up the most
if your having problems with faze obstruct his range while you behind the pillar near him kill his melee then go for the seeker
The Keeper: you can actually pull his group west obstruct the casters and kill the melees then go for the casters
tyndirr: same as faze except theres no places to obstruct him
vraxx the condemned : kd heaven find a nice corner

The master: the hardest mob youll have to fight if you aggro him then run and unaggro his group will form a nice ball just use dash and try to make the warriors get into that ball after they charge you.