Pc q13 Chaos Axe, +15%dmg -1regen, +19% enchant
someone told me its rare, but whats it worth?
Tender Care
-1 hp or -1energy ??? that makes a bit difference even if req 13 is worth less obviously....
EDIT ur post pls!
EDIT ur post pls!
ll Ghost
Depends if it has an inscription, if it doesn't then you won't get much at all, but if it has inscription it's worth something at least :] Req 13 is too high. :P
Tender Care
???LOL???? 15%/-1 inscription doesn't exist....it is non-inscribable for sure..now only depends if hp or nrg..
Bubba The Legendary
Depends if it has an inscription, if it doesn't then you won't get much at all, but if it has inscription it's worth something at least :] Req 13 is too high. :P
If it did I would pay over 9000 litteraly
I would say 20k maybe more since it doesnt matter on req to get saccing your health
Wait for more opinions
o m g pizowned
if its energy, 15k
if its health, 50k+
if its health, 50k+