Assassin Farming


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2011

Spamadan A-E-D1

The Enternal Darkness [DARK]


Hey guys, I currently farm HM Vaettier & HM Minister Chos Estate, both of which are boring, easy, and basically not worth it, can anyone please give me some ideas or where assassins can farm now? I would like spots which offer an opportunity to acquire high-end items, dyes or even ectoplasm!
I was going to attempt the UW Plains or the ToPK but apparently they have both been nerfed, I was also going to attempt the Slayers Exile dungeon farm but I'm pretty new to Sin Farming so I want something to help me gain my confidence in my ability! I also haven't got good heroes on my assassin so a solo one would be ideal for me to try out!

As requesting builds etc is against the rules, this is a DISCUSSION thread, if you have any builds please personal message me in game or on Guru, don't post them!

IGN- Rak Baymore



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2011



To my knowledge, dyes drop from every creature in the game at similar rates, high-end items you will only acquire from high-end chests and foes (Mallyx, Dhuum, Urgoz, Kanaxai, and their respective chests along with the FoW chest), and ectos only drop in the UW as well as one chest in the Fissure of Woe's Lighting Forest. Vaettir farming is probably the most profitable farm out there right now, along with raptor and feather farming, which should tell you that farming in general is not worth it unless it's a special event weekend (such as the next two).

Just my thoughts.



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2010



Vaettir farm is for those who want some golds/stones. When the special event is when, imo, they should be farmed. 60kills for the seasonal items. Cho's is for the desirable skins. Ectoplasms are UW drop (mainly). There is a upcoming sin build on pvx.

North Dragon Slayer

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2008



You have your information a bit wrong, Ectoplasm in FoW is dropped by banshee's in the forest, not the chest. If you really want to learn to farm i suggest learning how to FoW/UWSC, its really rather easy. All you have to do is watch youtube. There are plenty of guides on there to help you out. Also you could just go to I never did FoWSC, then i watched a guide on youtube twice and learned really fast. Now i can do T1/t2/mt. Its pretty effective for making money, However somedays you're going to get newb team after newb team....; But for the most part you almost always make some sort of a profit. Also if you don't mind waiting and would rather make the money, you could farm your own materials and make the consumables yourself and make an addition 7k gold per run.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2008


Also assassins can farm feathers quite well. Get the /RT build on Wiki.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2007

Retired from GW until GW2


I just farm Vaettirs because they seem to drop dyes really often, and they drop golds fairly regularly which helps for that title. I also do lots of dungeon SCs because they are fast, easy, and pretty mindless, I'm trying to do UWSC, but after having been away from the game for some time, I realized I don't remember a lot about UW so its really much more difficult. I did FoWSC as a MT yesterday for my first time, going in pretty much blind and only skimming the guide on PvX / skipping through the video really quickly. I only died once and we lost our T1 to a d/c and finished it. I didn't get but 1 obby shard drop though, but its really easy if you are up for it.

Lithril Ashwalker

Lithril Ashwalker

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2008



You can also farm Dragon Moss for a chacne(low) to get duo mod echovald shields, ornate shields, gothic defenders, and gothic weapons...oter golds too as well as spirit wood planks...
hit me up in game, ill show u what u need as a sin and itll gimem something to do other than by my self :3

IGN: Lithril Ashwalker

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

Please familiarise yourself with the General Campfire Guidelines and more specifically the Farming Forum Rules before posting.
