Q8 Energy Storage Chalice
any help on what this is worth thank you.
Any1?? this thing has to be worth something.
bump for some1 to see and help me out here
Possibly 100k+ but hard to say for sure..... mixed like that hurts the value a lot, if it was all one attribute 200e+ but as is... not too much use for it
Tbh, I wouldnt buy this at any price.. RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing nice in one way but mixed doesn't just hurt it imo. It completely crushes it in this case as I dont believe there is any build that can even remotely benefit from those stats. Dont wanna say merch either cause just seeing a 20\20 like that is extremely rare!
i had exacly same modded Flame artifact, which is well abit more common skin
Sold that for around 40kish it hink?
this possibly 75-100k imo
Sold that for around 40kish it hink?
this possibly 75-100k imo
thank you for the posts, i know that the stats are all mixed but was thinking that there might be a PvP build that this items may be useful for... ill just put it up in the mixed forums and see what i come up with.