Rt Zodiacs



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2007



Before i buy anything i would to know how much these are worth these days:

Inscriptable q9 Zodiac staff (spawning)
noninsc Zodiac wands or staves for rit attributes with 20/10 or 20/20 (q9-10)

As well as inscriptable q9 shields. Doesn't matter which attribute, but i would guess motivation shield would be cheapest?

Thanks in advance!

Tender Care

Tender Care

Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2008

Blackwater Park



motivations shields are generally the cheapest, but depends from the skin...anyway except few skins, most req 9 shields aren't more worth than 15-20k. it's not much

And inscribable staves are also not so expensive, as well 10-15k for common skins..
Non inscribable is another matter and really depends from the skin and mods. Generally a 20/20 goes over 100k easily up to hundred ectos for particular skins.
20/10 also depends from the skin...but they are cheaper

And last but not least: non inscribable for ritualist attribute are a harder to find and i believe much more expensive than other attributes..