WTS: Mixed Unded Mini's


Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006



I will update this list as they sell, feel free to contact me in game Nitra of Sirus.
If you post a lower than stated s/b price and you do not receive any response, consider your offer declined.
Where there is a x2, there are 2 items, bids will be per item.
I reserve the right to etc etc.

Year 1

Necrid Horseman x2 s/b 1k b/o 3k
Jade Armor s/b 1k b/o 3k
Burning Titan s/b 5k b/o 8k

Year 2

Koss s/b 10k b/o 15k

Year 4
Quetzal Sly s/b 10k b/o 15k

Year 5

Siege Devourour x2 s/b 25k b/o 40k
scourge Manta x2 s/b 25kb/o 40k
Cobalt Scabara s/b 25k b/o 40k
Seer s/b 25k b/o 40k
Ophil Nahuli s/b 25k b/o 40k

Oola x2 s/b 45k b/o 55k
Candysmith Marley s/b 8e b/o 12e

I will let this run for a day before making more adjustments, currently ending 2PM EST Saturday.

b/o 1x Burning Titan Drake Farcaller


Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006


To the top, auctions edited.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2011


B/O on Titan

IGN: Drake Farcaller