Limited Minipets Economy



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2008

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I would love the idea of these limited minipets being made available again. There's just too few of them circulating in the game and it's almost impossible for anyone to obtain the Panda/IG/Vizu/Kanaxai without powertrading, which at 2011, is too late. Adding them to Urgoz and Deep will definately breathe some life back into those areas. The WoC is approaching, I can't think of a better time to do something like this.

Originally Posted by Ariena Najea
most of you
You can't really say that since this sub-forum isn't regularly viewed by the masses. If you want to get an opinion from the entire community, I suggest Riverside.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2010

We Gat Dis [HRUU]

best minipet ingame --------------------> VIZUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2011

Bleh, Panda > Kuunavang > IG imo ^^ Humanoid ones are just, dumb

Ariena Najea

Ariena Najea

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Originally Posted by Elnino View Post
You can't really say that since this sub-forum isn't regularly viewed by the masses. If you want to get an opinion from the entire community, I suggest Riverside.
I am not looking for opinions from the masses, but rather from players who actually own and trade in these minis. These players have a much better understanding of how the high-end market works, and can make assumptions based upon experience over time.

On the topic of adding existing limited minis to end chests, how much would prices expect to fall? If the change is not announced, how would rare mini owners react to the first documented drops (see Mini Polar Bears). If a new limited mini (ie Twisted Bark, Leviathan) to the respective end chests with a similar drop rate to the Mini Polar Bear, in what range would the price on one of these settle?

The Mountain

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Since drop rates wouldn't be confirmed straight away, I would guess the prices would not be all that high immediately (depends on how long after update it takes for the first drop). The result of that timing could place the first sale over 10k ectos or below 1k (think first ghostly drop and first dhuum drop).

Eventually, the prices would certainly be lower than that of the ghostly because that is a desired pet and has a crazy low drop rate. If the exact same drop rate as MPB, I would guess that prices would be 350-500e within a year.



Wilds Pathfinder

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Originally Posted by Gabs88 View Post
Humanoid ones are just, dumb
Buuut, if they brought out a new Outcast death hand. That would be a pretty sweet mini! ooor.... i dunno. couldn't think of any others...
but overall, nothing beats a centaur mini. exept for a panda :P

oops forgot to add that the death hand should also be equipped with shield and sword




Join Date: Dec 2005

Nunya Bizness

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I would be against the idea of bringing in the other minis. Never liked the idea of taking something that some people worked really hard to get and making it common. Honestly if someone works their butt off IRL they deserve to get something for it and it should be the same in the game. There is plenty you can get already for next to nothing. I don't own a panda, IG or any of the other really high end minis either. Just know some people that worked hard to get them.

Think the best idea would be just adding new really rare minis to the game. There is still plenty of great ideas for minis.



Furnace Stoker

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^ +1. I worked hard for my minis. I intend on getting all the promotional and ingame minis listed on Wiki except the "asians" or more precisely the last 10 minis on the minipet page on official wiki. Things like adding the minis to WiK was awesome imo. A few minis that were more common, and a few that were uncommon. It just adds more to the game. Incorporate Deep and Urgoz in WoC and make a few rare minis and a few less rare minis. IF you added new minis to the game, depending on their skin, the prices would be much like the ghostly/polar. Extremely high for a short while, then the more that drop the more the price drops. Depending on how rarely they drop, and the popularity of the mini... That's how you'd determine a price. If it's a super badass mini and drops extremely rarely. 1500-2000e after a few months would seem apropriate. More commonly dropping or less cool skin... 500e~ or less.

If you re-introduced the same rare minis to the game in another batch... Yea depends which mini, and how many are introduced.



Forge Runner

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Originally Posted by Coast View Post
they gonne add kanaxai in the deep as possible drop (1% chance compared with droprate for polar bears)
they adding island guardian in urgoz warren.
Now some people will cry
polar bear is less than 1%. The official wiki states around .02% and I would think kanaxai/IG would be the same.

I believe there would be huge interest in deep/urgoz if they added those minis that they would fall to the same range as the polar bear. People would be farming those areas constantly for quite a while.

Also do you have confirmation on this? plz dont yank my chain



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Originally Posted by Swingline View Post
polar bear is less than 1%. The official wiki states around .02% and I would think kanaxai/IG would be the same.

I believe there would be huge interest in deep/urgoz if they added those minis that they would fall to the same range as the polar bear. People would be farming those areas constantly for quite a while.

Also do you have confirmation on this? plz dont yank my chain
Coast didnt say anything about polar drop rates. Just that if IG and Kanaxai were added to deep/urgoz the droprate for em should be 1% of the polars drop rate. So As Polars rate is 0.02%, Kanaxais and IG*s droprate should be 0.0002%? so it wouldnt become too common as it would drop all the time.



Forge Runner

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Originally Posted by Pleikki View Post
Coast didnt say anything about polar drop rates. Just that if IG and Kanaxai were added to deep/urgoz the droprate for em should be 1% of the polars drop rate. So As Polars rate is 0.02%, Kanaxais and IG*s droprate should be 0.0002%? so it wouldnt become too common as it would drop all the time.
That drop rate is far too low to be worth the devs time. New minis out of SF, UrgW, and Deep would be ideal, especially since those areas are somewhat ignored (and SF is completely worthless).

So you know, I don't have any of the "high end" fellas, but I have several of the mid-range limited availability guys listed early in the thread.

I'd like to see end chests in Urgoz, Deep, and SF with a drop rate of around 1/2 that of MPB. Considering that they'd be available year-round, but it generally takes longer to do those areas, the overall drop rate would be around or a little greater than MPB.

I don't see high-end minis ever being worth more than they are now. Between folks who won't sell, dedications, bans, losses, hacks, and inactives, they're realistically as rare as they'll ever be, and the demand for them post-HoM is down as we now know they're not necessary for GW2 rewards.

But that's just me. You can blame any update you want for a drop in the prices, I just don't think they'll rise very much at any point in the future.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2006


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only reason why i would say em to be 1/100th the chance of a polar is to not piss of people currently having 1 of those minis by making the chance on getting 1dropped very low. (deep= 15minutes and u don't even have to be very experienced , so its about 5times slow than polar but you got 12people in your team instead of 1 for polar bear and polar bear u can't farm the whole year long).
This makes the chance per year higher per year than the1/100th of a polar, makes it like 1/4th the chance of a polar if people doing the deep as much per day compared with tpolarquest but then over a whole year long instead of the limited time u can farm polars all day long.(So if there drop(random number 12) polars per year then there would be about 3 kanaxais from the deep over a year, or 1.5 if people splitting their time between urgoz/ the deep)
And maybe they could add onis also, with a higher droprate then to at least keep interest high since if they would only add pet(kanaxai/isluand guardian with this droprate then I don't think it would be that attractive.