Alright, while this belongs on PvX, I'm posting it here, mainly because I feel many of the people here are also on PvX, and because here my post won't be deleted by a random IP.
So lately I've been seeing more and more condescending attitudes towards people that aren't super experienced in the SC scene or otherwise get all their information off of PvX wiki. A lot of builds are posted and then removed because "pugs can't handle the role."
Quite frankly, that is bullshit. PvX wiki should, in my mind, be a place where anyone of any skill level can go and find builds that interest them, instead of just the meta things ran in ToA. Once we start posting simple instructions and more difficult Ally builds, pugs will begin to run more diverse SC teams.
We complain about pugs that won't run anything if it's not on PvX; why don't we just put more things on PvX? I don't see a single DwG FoWSC on there, I see only a handful of the hundreds of sinways out there, and I see very few variant builds to the meta ones run, such as Tway, Manlyway, and others. Many of these builds were written up at one point, but then taken down for one reason or another. Why isn't there a T3 variant on the Manlyway page? Because it was deemed "too complicated" for pugs to handle.
People are never going to get smart if we continue to treat them like idiots. We need to encourage growth within the SC community and challenge people if we want pugs that don't freak out when you add an elementalist T3, and I believe that the best way to do this is to talk to them in their language: PvX.
Teaching through PvX
Mike Jack
No one deletes builds because PuGs can't handle the role, its more of whether the build is optimal or not.
Life Bringing
The problem is that most people who used to frequent pvx have either put down gws completely or rarely play. Of the ones still there, none are involved in the random pug scs that people do, and are mostly involved in high end guild shit. Not sure why you'd use an ele t3 btw. And yes, pugs die doing t1 and t2, and most refuse to pop cons such as pie or rocks. The failure rate would dramatically increase beyond what its already at if people started running t3. Not to mention that when it takes 15 minutes just to finish forge, the dropping of a part of the main team for someone to do forest isnt exactly going to speed anything up
The information is there already, but PvX only stores builds that the people who use pvx regularly are likely to use, Glaive isn't a viable setup for casual runs so it isnt stored on pvx, but if you want to start doing glaive spike then there are resources around for it. Also as piercing said, pugs suck too much to even run standard manly spike efficiently, so until we can ask for 100+ keys, pugs running faster builds is a bad idea.
The information is there already, but PvX only stores builds that the people who use pvx regularly are likely to use, Glaive isn't a viable setup for casual runs so it isnt stored on pvx, but if you want to start doing glaive spike then there are resources around for it. Also as piercing said, pugs suck too much to even run standard manly spike efficiently, so until we can ask for 100+ keys, pugs running faster builds is a bad idea.