1p>100a selling /mixd dye/crysta Q13 +5 old/Q7/oldschool and buggd item


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2009





Im back to sell some crapy old collections.there is everything crappy item you can find and you CANNOT find.

Im everytime making thread with crys Q8 or +5 any Q8 near 1 magmas or other awesome items
I never had any offer on my dead bow Q8 15^50 or on my 20/20 fire bo staff, or others stuff,
im always selling Q7/8/ or more and half time perfect stuff.

Last time i offered you a gaile gray's crown ... (no offer)

So now, im going to offer some crappy stuff, that's the worst i found.

anyway, 90% is oldschool and 50% are awesome (like 3caracs staff or wand, or smthg like that BUT TOTALY USELESS)

I will not help you with screen, you have to find what you want, Only the bravest and the courageous will a way out.

(i hate all of you O___________O)

Let's go :


(the 0% mean no inherent bro :c)

Zodiac prenerfed :

- Q12 air 9% HSR / 19% HCT air magic
- Q8 restauration 0%/ 19% HCT restauration (the 0% mean no inherent bro :c) 2e
- Q12 df 0% /10% HSR 1e
- Q9 Death magic deep wound 20%/19% channeling HCT 1e
- Q9 illu 0%/ 20% curses HSR 1e
- Q9 dom 0%/19% illu HCT 1e
- Q13 restauration 0%/19% restauration HSR 1e
- Q12 curse blind 20% /10% HSR 1e

Reg Zodiac :

- Q9 illu 20/19 illu
- Q9 smite 20/20 heal

Platinum prenerfed :

- Q9communing max energy dmg 10-19 0%/19% channeling HSR 1e

reg Platinum :

- Q9 illu 19%/19% dom
- Q10 Smite 20/10

Jewelled staff prenerfd (Pvp skin) :

- Q8 illu dmg 10-18 +9energy 19% inspi HCT / 20% illu HSR
- Q8 illu 0%/10% HSR 2e

reg jewelled staff ( the other skin ) :

- Q9 illu 20%/ 20%dom

Shadow staff prenerfed :

- Q8 curses max : 0/ 9% HCT 2e

reg Shadow :

- Q11 FD 20%/ 20% smite 1e

Celestial prenerfed :

- Q8 smite 0/10% HSR 2e
- Q9 restauration +10 dmg 11-21 10% HSR /19 fd HCT

reg Celestial :

- Q9 blood magic 20/19% blood

Accursed Staff prenerfd(PvP) :

- Q8 max curses 15 HSR /17 water magic HCT
- Q10 curses 0/8% HCT 1e

Air staff prenerfd :

- Q10 air magic 8% HCT /9% HSR
- Q9 air 17% inspi HCT / 20% bleeding 1e
- Q9 air 0/19% air HSR 1e

Amber prenerfed :

- Q12 earth 0/10% HSR 1e

Fire staff prenerfed (dead skin) :

- Q11 fire dmg 10-20 15% water HSR /19% earth HCT ill see
- Q9 fire 0/8% HCT 1e

Inscribed staff ( same skin) prenerfd :

- Q8 dom 17% fire HCT /16% prot HSR
- Q11 dom 7% HCT /18% HSR

Holy staff prenerfd :

- Q9fd 8% HSR /17% heal HCT

Raven staff prenerfd :

- Q8 smit 9% HSR / weakness 20% 2e
- Q10earth 19%inspi HCT /19%comu HSR

Fire staff prenerfd (pvp) :

- Q13 fire 19air HSR /19air HCT 3e

Cockatrice staff prenerfd :

- Q10 dom 0/20% inspi HSR 1e

plagueborn staff prenerfd :

- Q12fd 19%fire HCT /dom19% HSR

Forbidden staff prenerfd :

- Q10earth 0/9% HCT 1e

Ghostly staff Q13smite :

- Q13 smite 0/20% blood HCT 1e

Winged staff prenerfd :

- Q7smite +8energy dmg 9-16 20%prot HCT /10% HSR

Earth staff prenerfd :

- Q12earth 0/9% HSR 1e

Claivoyant staff prenerfd :

- Q6 11-19 energy+9 20%illu HSR /19%dom HCT

Bone staff prenerfd :

- Q12 death 20% poison /19%death HSR 1e

Jade staff prenerfd :

- Q8 smite 0/10% HCT 2e
- Q8 curses 0/9% HSR 2e

Holy branch prenerf :

- Q13fd 9% HSR /19%smite HCT 2e
- Q12df 10% HCT /crippled 20% 1e
- Q9df 19%smite HSR /10% HCT 2e

Channeling staff prenerfd :

- Q9channeling energy +8 9-15 0%/19%channeling HSR 1e

Dark tendril Staff pre:

- Q9blood HSR 10 % /HCT 9%


Falchion :

- Q11 not max 14-21 15-1 health 7e


- Q10 12^enchant 4e

Oni Blade :

- Q9 14^-1health (also good for double vamp mawaaaah)

c/o : 50k b/o 69k (10e)

Gladius :

- Q13 16v50% 2e

Dead Sword :

UNINSC and NO dmg mods [Buggued Item] Q10

crystalline gold :

- Q13 +5 oldschool

c/o 1000e b/o 2200e (or 1500+31a // or 96a)

[purple and blue sword]

Crystalline purple :

- dmg 15-21 Q12 12^hexed

c/o 20k b/o 99k or 13e

Gilded edge :

- Q8 max dmg PURPLE INSCRIBABLE (uh ?)

Fiery dragon sword Blue / so no inherent :

- Q7 fire dmg +1^18% sword max dmg b/o 18e
- Q7 fire dmg +30 max dmg 18e
- Q8 fire dmg 20% charrslaying 8e

Wand ans Scepter

Holy rod :

- Q8df 18%heal HCT /7% all HSR
- Q8df 19% df HCT / +5energy while enchanted

truncheon :

- Q8 blood +5 w enchanted/20%curses HCT
- Q8 blood energy +4v50 /10%all HCT

koi scpeter :

- Q8 air energy +5v50 monobonus. 1e

Deadly Cesta :

- Q8death +5v50 /10% HSR

Fire wand :

- Q8fire +3w hexed /8% all HCT

Platinum :

- Q10death 19curses HCT /19inspiration HSR

Celestial :

-Q10spawning 10% HCT / 14-1energy

Amber Wand :

- Q11death 10 HSR /10 HCT
- Q9 blood +5 /20% recharge blood HSR

Zodiac :

- Q9 curses 10 HSR / 5^50 its HSR bro

c/o 7e


Straw effigy :

- Q11spawning +28 armor +5v50
- Q13 fast casting armor +5w attacking / HSR 19%illu

plagueborn :

- Q9spawing 9% HSR / +28
- Q 10 ES 19%air HSR /9% HCT

Jug :

- Q9spawning +5armor vs physical / +41^encahnt

Earth Scroll :

- Q12earth +33w enchanted /20%blind duration

Flame artifact :

- Q8max fire +5 w attacking /+29

Starfish focus :

- Q8isnpiration INSCriBABLE gold


White reaver :

- Q9 15^50 6e

Spiked Axe :

- Q9 12^stance 8e (<3 emo hearths <3 <3 )

Chaos Axe :

- Q11 13^encahnted 4e
- Q10 12^50 6e

Sickle (awefull skin, not victo soz) :

- Q8 14^encahnt 6e

Cleaver :

- Q8 15^enchanted 8e
- Q10 16v50 1e
- BLUE Q8 6-27 no dmg mods 2e

halo Axe :

- Q8 15^hexed foes 6e


Composite :

-Q9 13 -1 health

Eternal bow :

- Q9 13^stance health +25 and dmg +5-1 (dropped like that )


Ivory Bow :

- Q8 14^stance 4e

Hornbow :

- Q8 14^50

plagueborn recurve Bow :

- Q8 14^hexed foes 4e

Longbow :

- Q10 13^50 10e


Mursaat :

- Q11 12^50 6e

Nephilim :

- Q8 20% w hexed
- Q8 14^50

Zodiac :

- Q8 19%hexed 2e

Ram's hammer :

- Q8 15^50

Summit Hammer :

- Q8 15^hexed foes

War hammer spiked skin ofc :

- Q8 no inhrent
- Q11 13^50


Defender :

all strengh
- Q8 -2^10% mono
- Q8 39w encahnted mono
- Q9 -3^7% +44w encahnted

Zodiac :

- Q8 tact -5^20 mono 1e
- Q9 tact +30 -5^19% 20e

Bronze shield :

- Q7tact al 16 WHITE 6e

Round shield :

- Q11tact -2 ench -2 wtance

Ornate Buckler :

- Q13tact +6 vs earth +30

Bladed Shield :

- Q9str -5^19% +43 w enchanted

Emblazoned Defender :

- Q12str +45/-2 full ench

Shadow shield :

- Q9str -2 ench / +30

skull shield :

-Q8al16 Command (inscribable gold)

Eagle Defender :

-Q8al16 Commad (inscribable gold)

Eternal :

- Q8 AL 16 +30 BLUE and non insc (so str)

Magma :

- Q7 Al 16 +20hp BLUE and non isnc (so str anyway)

All these runes are PURPLE and +2 -50 so old.

Monk : heal X3 + prot
necro : curse X2 + death magic
elementalist : fire magic X2
mesmer : Domination
ranger : expertise
War : axe amstery
Assassin :

im also accepting trade for :

Monk : FD
necro : Soul reaping
ranger : beast mastery
war: sword + hammer +tact
mes : fast cast + inspi
Rit : spawnong +restau +cana
sin : Critic

I already have a near complete collection (with argos)

with full : Monk +necro +ranger +War+Mes+ele +Sin
and Rit 3/4 :cccc

You can try to bid on this, but im not promessing .


from here 1----------------------5~>
6---------------------10~> to here.

1/ Gray dye bugged
2/identity + identity +identity +blue
3/red +purple X4
4/purple +red X2
5/orange +red
6/blue +orange
7/orange + green
8/yellow +yellow + silver
9/yellow +silver
10/blue +blue


Sword sundering :

10/9 /// 10/8 /// 10/6

Bow sundering :

10/9 /// 10/8 /// 10/7 /// 10/6 /// 10/5

hammer sundering :


Other items

-jade wind orbs [1500~ or more] offer for each stacks plz

-166 zaishens medaillions (offers for 10 by 10 or boths)

I was not happy to make this thread and not good luck :c

(mods dont delete that, im just rolling this is a real thread take commentary for irony ~~)

EDIT : Sorry got no time atm, but ill make b/o really soon (just tomorow, its 3am here), and add details too ~~ (forget HCT /HSR )

And for your questions : send me a pm, or wait my future bump

For pleikki : ill add my b/o for 90% (with crys) of these items, my war hammer is the spyked one.
and i keeped that for ...i dunno, fun ? anyway : it's by doing whatever
that one becomes whoever



WTB q8 15^50 Weapons!

Join Date: Nov 2006

???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]

1000e on r13 +5e cryst

And skin on r8warhammer no mod?

and i ask. why uve saved all those? O.o

Lithril Ashwalker

Lithril Ashwalker

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2008



50e for the ENTIRE MIXED DYE as a set

ign: Lithril Ashwalker

Lynette Le Sange

Lynette Le Sange

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2008



Zodiac Scepter Q9 curses 10 / 5^50 <<(HCT or HSR?) 7e either way

EDIT: Tyvm for the clarification, retract on zodiac staff.

IGN: Lynette Le Sange



Forge Runner

Join Date: Oct 2008



7/orange + green
8/yellow +yellow + silver
9/yellow +silver
10/blue +blue
15e ea, let me know b/o plz
IGN Marcella Ranger

Mig Coconut

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2009

Gulfstream Owners


50k on oni blade
IGN: Migrating Koconut



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2006


Whats Going On [sup]


Zodiac Staff Q8 restauration 0%/ 19% restoration 26e
coast monk

Luke D

Luke D

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Mar 2007


Round shield :
- Q11tact -2 ench -2 wtance
IGN Lorelei Sigent

Frozen Ele

Frozen Ele

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2009

Mirror of Reason [SNOW]


Fire staff prenerfed (dead skin) :
- Q11 fire dmg 10-20 15% water /19% earth

20k, pm me if you have a b/o in mind

Dimmuborgir Satan

Dimmuborgir Satan

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2006

???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]


I have interist in plenty items...
i actually want ALL prenerf saves... xD
but i selected a few now.
I marked the most important items in bold....
i guess we talk how much u want for the whole lot i give here.


- Q12 air 9% HSR / 19% HCT air magic --- 1.5k
Q9communing max energy dmg 10-19 0%/19% channeling HSR --- 2k
- Q6 11-19 energy+9 20%illu HSR /19%dom HCT --- 1.5k
- Q7smite +8energy dmg 9-16 20%prot HCT /10% HSR --- 1.5k
Dead Sword UNINSC and NO dmg mods [Buggued Item] Q10 --- 1k
- FDS Q7 fire dmg +30 max dmg 18e do u accept 15e as b/o??
War hammer spiked skin ofc :- Q8 no inhrent --- 10k
Bronze shield - Q7tact al 16 WHITE 6e
- Magma Q7 Al 16 +20hp BLUE and non isnc (so str anyway) --- 15k
-glitched grey dye O___O i want........... O_____________O 50k???
O________________O I want grey xD

-bow sundering, depending on price.

ALSO we might trade some runes, we have to see ingame...
Maybe we can include some of my oldschool runes in the payment.
i have some very sick ones (blue -50 major runes, some with small icon, some blue superior runes, etcetc... but i dont know by hard which attributes they are.)

i send my ign via PM...

Frozen Ele

Frozen Ele

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2009

Mirror of Reason [SNOW]


Let me know on the fire staff

Accursed Staff prenerfd(PvP) :
- Q8 max curses 15 HSR /17 water magic HCT

10k, pm me if you have a b/o in mind

Lithril Ashwalker

Lithril Ashwalker

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2008



60e on the set of mixed dyes

IGN: Lithril Ashwalker