1p>100a selling /mixd dye/crysta Q13 +5 old/Q7/oldschool and buggd item
Im back to sell some crapy old collections.there is everything crappy item you can find and you CANNOT find.
Im everytime making thread with crys Q8 or +5 any Q8 near 1 magmas or other awesome items
I never had any offer on my dead bow Q8 15^50 or on my 20/20 fire bo staff, or others stuff,
im always selling Q7/8/ or more and half time perfect stuff.
Last time i offered you a gaile gray's crown ... (no offer)
So now, im going to offer some crappy stuff, that's the worst i found.
anyway, 90% is oldschool and 50% are awesome (like 3caracs staff or wand, or smthg like that BUT TOTALY USELESS)
I will not help you with screen, you have to find what you want, Only the bravest and the courageous will a way out.
(i hate all of you O___________O)
Let's go :
(the 0% mean no inherent bro :c)
Zodiac prenerfed :
- Q12 air 9% HSR / 19% HCT air magic
- Q8 restauration 0%/ 19% HCT restauration (the 0% mean no inherent bro :c) 2e
- Q12 df 0% /10% HSR 1e
- Q9 Death magic deep wound 20%/19% channeling HCT 1e
- Q9 illu 0%/ 20% curses HSR 1e
- Q9 dom 0%/19% illu HCT 1e
- Q13 restauration 0%/19% restauration HSR 1e
- Q12 curse blind 20% /10% HSR 1e
Reg Zodiac :
- Q9 illu 20/19 illu
- Q9 smite 20/20 heal
Platinum prenerfed :
- Q9communing max energy dmg 10-19 0%/19% channeling HSR 1e
reg Platinum :
- Q9 illu 19%/19% dom
- Q10 Smite 20/10
Jewelled staff prenerfd (Pvp skin) :
- Q8 illu dmg 10-18 +9energy 19% inspi HCT / 20% illu HSR
- Q8 illu 0%/10% HSR 2e
reg jewelled staff ( the other skin ) :
- Q9 illu 20%/ 20%dom
Shadow staff prenerfed :
- Q8 curses max : 0/ 9% HCT 2e
reg Shadow :
- Q11 FD 20%/ 20% smite 1e
Celestial prenerfed :
- Q8 smite 0/10% HSR 2e
- Q9 restauration +10 dmg 11-21 10% HSR /19 fd HCT
reg Celestial :
- Q9 blood magic 20/19% blood
Accursed Staff prenerfd(PvP) :
- Q8 max curses 15 HSR /17 water magic HCT
- Q10 curses 0/8% HCT 1e
Air staff prenerfd :
- Q10 air magic 8% HCT /9% HSR
- Q9 air 17% inspi HCT / 20% bleeding 1e
- Q9 air 0/19% air HSR 1e
Amber prenerfed :
- Q12 earth 0/10% HSR 1e
Fire staff prenerfed (dead skin) :
- Q11 fire dmg 10-20 15% water HSR /19% earth HCT ill see
- Q9 fire 0/8% HCT 1e
Inscribed staff ( same skin) prenerfd :
- Q8 dom 17% fire HCT /16% prot HSR
- Q11 dom 7% HCT /18% HSR
Holy staff prenerfd :
- Q9fd 8% HSR /17% heal HCT
Raven staff prenerfd :
- Q8 smit 9% HSR / weakness 20% 2e
- Q10earth 19%inspi HCT /19%comu HSR
Fire staff prenerfd (pvp) :
- Q13 fire 19air HSR /19air HCT 3e
Cockatrice staff prenerfd :
- Q10 dom 0/20% inspi HSR 1e
plagueborn staff prenerfd :
- Q12fd 19%fire HCT /dom19% HSR
Forbidden staff prenerfd :
- Q10earth 0/9% HCT 1e
Ghostly staff Q13smite :
- Q13 smite 0/20% blood HCT 1e
Winged staff prenerfd :
- Q7smite +8energy dmg 9-16 20%prot HCT /10% HSR
Earth staff prenerfd :
- Q12earth 0/9% HSR 1e
Claivoyant staff prenerfd :
- Q6 11-19 energy+9 20%illu HSR /19%dom HCT
Bone staff prenerfd :
- Q12 death 20% poison /19%death HSR 1e
Jade staff prenerfd :
- Q8 smite 0/10% HCT 2e
- Q8 curses 0/9% HSR 2e
Holy branch prenerf :
- Q13fd 9% HSR /19%smite HCT 2e
- Q12df 10% HCT /crippled 20% 1e
- Q9df 19%smite HSR /10% HCT 2e
Channeling staff prenerfd :
- Q9channeling energy +8 9-15 0%/19%channeling HSR 1e
Dark tendril Staff pre:
- Q9blood HSR 10 % /HCT 9%
Falchion :
- Q11 not max 14-21 15-1 health 7e
- Q10 12^enchant 4e
Oni Blade :
- Q9 14^-1health (also good for double vamp mawaaaah)
c/o : 50k b/o 69k (10e)
Gladius :
- Q13 16v50% 2e
Dead Sword :
UNINSC and NO dmg mods [Buggued Item] Q10
crystalline gold :
- Q13 +5 oldschool
c/o 1000e b/o 2200e (or 1500+31a // or 96a)
[purple and blue sword]
Crystalline purple :
- dmg 15-21 Q12 12^hexed
c/o 20k b/o 99k or 13e
Gilded edge :
- Q8 max dmg PURPLE INSCRIBABLE (uh ?)
Fiery dragon sword Blue / so no inherent :
- Q7 fire dmg +1^18% sword max dmg b/o 18e
- Q7 fire dmg +30 max dmg 18e
- Q8 fire dmg 20% charrslaying 8e
Wand ans Scepter
Holy rod :
- Q8df 18%heal HCT /7% all HSR
- Q8df 19% df HCT / +5energy while enchanted
truncheon :
- Q8 blood +5 w enchanted/20%curses HCT
- Q8 blood energy +4v50 /10%all HCT
koi scpeter :
- Q8 air energy +5v50 monobonus. 1e
Deadly Cesta :
- Q8death +5v50 /10% HSR
Fire wand :
- Q8fire +3w hexed /8% all HCT
Platinum :
- Q10death 19curses HCT /19inspiration HSR
Celestial :
-Q10spawning 10% HCT / 14-1energy
Amber Wand :
- Q11death 10 HSR /10 HCT
- Q9 blood +5 /20% recharge blood HSR
Zodiac :
- Q9 curses 10 HSR / 5^50 its HSR bro
c/o 7e
Straw effigy :
- Q11spawning +28 armor +5v50
- Q13 fast casting armor +5w attacking / HSR 19%illu
plagueborn :
- Q9spawing 9% HSR / +28
- Q 10 ES 19%air HSR /9% HCT
Jug :
- Q9spawning +5armor vs physical / +41^encahnt
Earth Scroll :
- Q12earth +33w enchanted /20%blind duration
Flame artifact :
- Q8max fire +5 w attacking /+29
Starfish focus :
- Q8isnpiration INSCriBABLE gold
White reaver :
- Q9 15^50 6e
Spiked Axe :
- Q9 12^stance 8e (<3 emo hearths <3 <3 )
Chaos Axe :
- Q11 13^encahnted 4e
- Q10 12^50 6e
Sickle (awefull skin, not victo soz) :
- Q8 14^encahnt 6e
Cleaver :
- Q8 15^enchanted 8e
- Q10 16v50 1e
- BLUE Q8 6-27 no dmg mods 2e
halo Axe :
- Q8 15^hexed foes 6e
Composite :
-Q9 13 -1 health
Eternal bow :
- Q9 13^stance health +25 and dmg +5-1 (dropped like that )
Ivory Bow :
- Q8 14^stance 4e
Hornbow :
- Q8 14^50
plagueborn recurve Bow :
- Q8 14^hexed foes 4e
Longbow :
- Q10 13^50 10e
Mursaat :
- Q11 12^50 6e
Nephilim :
- Q8 20% w hexed
- Q8 14^50
Zodiac :
- Q8 19%hexed 2e
Ram's hammer :
- Q8 15^50
Summit Hammer :
- Q8 15^hexed foes
War hammer spiked skin ofc :
- Q8 no inhrent
- Q11 13^50
Defender :
all strengh
- Q8 -2^10% mono
- Q8 39w encahnted mono
- Q9 -3^7% +44w encahnted
Zodiac :
- Q8 tact -5^20 mono 1e
- Q9 tact +30 -5^19% 20e
Bronze shield :
- Q7tact al 16 WHITE 6e
Round shield :
- Q11tact -2 ench -2 wtance
Ornate Buckler :
- Q13tact +6 vs earth +30
Bladed Shield :
- Q9str -5^19% +43 w enchanted
Emblazoned Defender :
- Q12str +45/-2 full ench
Shadow shield :
- Q9str -2 ench / +30
skull shield :
-Q8al16 Command (inscribable gold)
Eagle Defender :
-Q8al16 Commad (inscribable gold)
Eternal :
- Q8 AL 16 +30 BLUE and non insc (so str)
Magma :
- Q7 Al 16 +20hp BLUE and non isnc (so str anyway)
All these runes are PURPLE and +2 -50 so old.
Monk : heal X3 + prot
necro : curse X2 + death magic
elementalist : fire magic X2
mesmer : Domination
ranger : expertise
War : axe amstery
Assassin :
im also accepting trade for :
Monk : FD
necro : Soul reaping
ranger : beast mastery
war: sword + hammer +tact
mes : fast cast + inspi
Rit : spawnong +restau +cana
sin : Critic
I already have a near complete collection (with argos)
with full : Monk +necro +ranger +War+Mes+ele +Sin
and Rit 3/4 :cccc
You can try to bid on this, but im not promessing .
from here 1----------------------5~>
6---------------------10~> to here.
1/ Gray dye bugged
2/identity + identity +identity +blue
3/red +purple X4
4/purple +red X2
5/orange +red
6/blue +orange
7/orange + green
8/yellow +yellow + silver
9/yellow +silver
10/blue +blue
Sword sundering :
10/9 /// 10/8 /// 10/6
Bow sundering :
10/9 /// 10/8 /// 10/7 /// 10/6 /// 10/5
hammer sundering :
Other items
-jade wind orbs [1500~ or more] offer for each stacks plz
-166 zaishens medaillions (offers for 10 by 10 or boths)
I was not happy to make this thread and not good luck :c
(mods dont delete that, im just rolling this is a real thread take commentary for irony ~~)
EDIT : Sorry got no time atm, but ill make b/o really soon (just tomorow, its 3am here), and add details too ~~ (forget HCT /HSR )
And for your questions : send me a pm, or wait my future bump
For pleikki : ill add my b/o for 90% (with crys) of these items, my war hammer is the spyked one.
and i keeped that for ...i dunno, fun ? anyway : it's by doing whatever
that one becomes whoever
Im back to sell some crapy old collections.there is everything crappy item you can find and you CANNOT find.
Im everytime making thread with crys Q8 or +5 any Q8 near 1 magmas or other awesome items
I never had any offer on my dead bow Q8 15^50 or on my 20/20 fire bo staff, or others stuff,
im always selling Q7/8/ or more and half time perfect stuff.
Last time i offered you a gaile gray's crown ... (no offer)
So now, im going to offer some crappy stuff, that's the worst i found.
anyway, 90% is oldschool and 50% are awesome (like 3caracs staff or wand, or smthg like that BUT TOTALY USELESS)
I will not help you with screen, you have to find what you want, Only the bravest and the courageous will a way out.
(i hate all of you O___________O)
Let's go :
(the 0% mean no inherent bro :c)
Zodiac prenerfed :
- Q12 air 9% HSR / 19% HCT air magic
- Q8 restauration 0%/ 19% HCT restauration (the 0% mean no inherent bro :c) 2e
- Q12 df 0% /10% HSR 1e
- Q9 Death magic deep wound 20%/19% channeling HCT 1e
- Q9 illu 0%/ 20% curses HSR 1e
- Q9 dom 0%/19% illu HCT 1e
- Q13 restauration 0%/19% restauration HSR 1e
- Q12 curse blind 20% /10% HSR 1e
Reg Zodiac :
- Q9 illu 20/19 illu
- Q9 smite 20/20 heal
Platinum prenerfed :
- Q9communing max energy dmg 10-19 0%/19% channeling HSR 1e
reg Platinum :
- Q9 illu 19%/19% dom
- Q10 Smite 20/10
Jewelled staff prenerfd (Pvp skin) :
- Q8 illu dmg 10-18 +9energy 19% inspi HCT / 20% illu HSR
- Q8 illu 0%/10% HSR 2e
reg jewelled staff ( the other skin ) :
- Q9 illu 20%/ 20%dom
Shadow staff prenerfed :
- Q8 curses max : 0/ 9% HCT 2e
reg Shadow :
- Q11 FD 20%/ 20% smite 1e
Celestial prenerfed :
- Q8 smite 0/10% HSR 2e
- Q9 restauration +10 dmg 11-21 10% HSR /19 fd HCT
reg Celestial :
- Q9 blood magic 20/19% blood
Accursed Staff prenerfd(PvP) :
- Q8 max curses 15 HSR /17 water magic HCT
- Q10 curses 0/8% HCT 1e
Air staff prenerfd :
- Q10 air magic 8% HCT /9% HSR
- Q9 air 17% inspi HCT / 20% bleeding 1e
- Q9 air 0/19% air HSR 1e
Amber prenerfed :
- Q12 earth 0/10% HSR 1e
Fire staff prenerfed (dead skin) :
- Q11 fire dmg 10-20 15% water HSR /19% earth HCT ill see
- Q9 fire 0/8% HCT 1e
Inscribed staff ( same skin) prenerfd :
- Q8 dom 17% fire HCT /16% prot HSR
- Q11 dom 7% HCT /18% HSR
Holy staff prenerfd :
- Q9fd 8% HSR /17% heal HCT
Raven staff prenerfd :
- Q8 smit 9% HSR / weakness 20% 2e
- Q10earth 19%inspi HCT /19%comu HSR
Fire staff prenerfd (pvp) :
- Q13 fire 19air HSR /19air HCT 3e
Cockatrice staff prenerfd :
- Q10 dom 0/20% inspi HSR 1e
plagueborn staff prenerfd :
- Q12fd 19%fire HCT /dom19% HSR
Forbidden staff prenerfd :
- Q10earth 0/9% HCT 1e
Ghostly staff Q13smite :
- Q13 smite 0/20% blood HCT 1e
Winged staff prenerfd :
- Q7smite +8energy dmg 9-16 20%prot HCT /10% HSR
Earth staff prenerfd :
- Q12earth 0/9% HSR 1e
Claivoyant staff prenerfd :
- Q6 11-19 energy+9 20%illu HSR /19%dom HCT
Bone staff prenerfd :
- Q12 death 20% poison /19%death HSR 1e
Jade staff prenerfd :
- Q8 smite 0/10% HCT 2e
- Q8 curses 0/9% HSR 2e
Holy branch prenerf :
- Q13fd 9% HSR /19%smite HCT 2e
- Q12df 10% HCT /crippled 20% 1e
- Q9df 19%smite HSR /10% HCT 2e
Channeling staff prenerfd :
- Q9channeling energy +8 9-15 0%/19%channeling HSR 1e
Dark tendril Staff pre:
- Q9blood HSR 10 % /HCT 9%
Falchion :
- Q11 not max 14-21 15-1 health 7e
- Q10 12^enchant 4e
Oni Blade :
- Q9 14^-1health (also good for double vamp mawaaaah)
c/o : 50k b/o 69k (10e)
Gladius :
- Q13 16v50% 2e
Dead Sword :
UNINSC and NO dmg mods [Buggued Item] Q10
crystalline gold :
- Q13 +5 oldschool
c/o 1000e b/o 2200e (or 1500+31a // or 96a)
[purple and blue sword]
Crystalline purple :
- dmg 15-21 Q12 12^hexed
c/o 20k b/o 99k or 13e
Gilded edge :
- Q8 max dmg PURPLE INSCRIBABLE (uh ?)
Fiery dragon sword Blue / so no inherent :
- Q7 fire dmg +1^18% sword max dmg b/o 18e
- Q7 fire dmg +30 max dmg 18e
- Q8 fire dmg 20% charrslaying 8e
Wand ans Scepter
Holy rod :
- Q8df 18%heal HCT /7% all HSR
- Q8df 19% df HCT / +5energy while enchanted
truncheon :
- Q8 blood +5 w enchanted/20%curses HCT
- Q8 blood energy +4v50 /10%all HCT
koi scpeter :
- Q8 air energy +5v50 monobonus. 1e
Deadly Cesta :
- Q8death +5v50 /10% HSR
Fire wand :
- Q8fire +3w hexed /8% all HCT
Platinum :
- Q10death 19curses HCT /19inspiration HSR
Celestial :
-Q10spawning 10% HCT / 14-1energy
Amber Wand :
- Q11death 10 HSR /10 HCT
- Q9 blood +5 /20% recharge blood HSR
Zodiac :
- Q9 curses 10 HSR / 5^50 its HSR bro
c/o 7e
Straw effigy :
- Q11spawning +28 armor +5v50
- Q13 fast casting armor +5w attacking / HSR 19%illu
plagueborn :
- Q9spawing 9% HSR / +28
- Q 10 ES 19%air HSR /9% HCT
Jug :
- Q9spawning +5armor vs physical / +41^encahnt
Earth Scroll :
- Q12earth +33w enchanted /20%blind duration
Flame artifact :
- Q8max fire +5 w attacking /+29
Starfish focus :
- Q8isnpiration INSCriBABLE gold
White reaver :
- Q9 15^50 6e
Spiked Axe :
- Q9 12^stance 8e (<3 emo hearths <3 <3 )
Chaos Axe :
- Q11 13^encahnted 4e
- Q10 12^50 6e
Sickle (awefull skin, not victo soz) :
- Q8 14^encahnt 6e
Cleaver :
- Q8 15^enchanted 8e
- Q10 16v50 1e
- BLUE Q8 6-27 no dmg mods 2e
halo Axe :
- Q8 15^hexed foes 6e
Composite :
-Q9 13 -1 health
Eternal bow :
- Q9 13^stance health +25 and dmg +5-1 (dropped like that )
Ivory Bow :
- Q8 14^stance 4e
Hornbow :
- Q8 14^50
plagueborn recurve Bow :
- Q8 14^hexed foes 4e
Longbow :
- Q10 13^50 10e
Mursaat :
- Q11 12^50 6e
Nephilim :
- Q8 20% w hexed
- Q8 14^50
Zodiac :
- Q8 19%hexed 2e
Ram's hammer :
- Q8 15^50
Summit Hammer :
- Q8 15^hexed foes
War hammer spiked skin ofc :
- Q8 no inhrent
- Q11 13^50
Defender :
all strengh
- Q8 -2^10% mono
- Q8 39w encahnted mono
- Q9 -3^7% +44w encahnted
Zodiac :
- Q8 tact -5^20 mono 1e
- Q9 tact +30 -5^19% 20e
Bronze shield :
- Q7tact al 16 WHITE 6e
Round shield :
- Q11tact -2 ench -2 wtance
Ornate Buckler :
- Q13tact +6 vs earth +30
Bladed Shield :
- Q9str -5^19% +43 w enchanted
Emblazoned Defender :
- Q12str +45/-2 full ench
Shadow shield :
- Q9str -2 ench / +30
skull shield :
-Q8al16 Command (inscribable gold)
Eagle Defender :
-Q8al16 Commad (inscribable gold)
Eternal :
- Q8 AL 16 +30 BLUE and non insc (so str)
Magma :
- Q7 Al 16 +20hp BLUE and non isnc (so str anyway)
All these runes are PURPLE and +2 -50 so old.
Monk : heal X3 + prot
necro : curse X2 + death magic
elementalist : fire magic X2
mesmer : Domination
ranger : expertise
War : axe amstery
Assassin :
im also accepting trade for :
Monk : FD
necro : Soul reaping
ranger : beast mastery
war: sword + hammer +tact
mes : fast cast + inspi
Rit : spawnong +restau +cana
sin : Critic
I already have a near complete collection (with argos)
with full : Monk +necro +ranger +War+Mes+ele +Sin
and Rit 3/4 :cccc
You can try to bid on this, but im not promessing .
from here 1----------------------5~>
6---------------------10~> to here.
1/ Gray dye bugged
2/identity + identity +identity +blue
3/red +purple X4
4/purple +red X2
5/orange +red
6/blue +orange
7/orange + green
8/yellow +yellow + silver
9/yellow +silver
10/blue +blue
Sword sundering :
10/9 /// 10/8 /// 10/6
Bow sundering :
10/9 /// 10/8 /// 10/7 /// 10/6 /// 10/5
hammer sundering :
Other items
-jade wind orbs [1500~ or more] offer for each stacks plz
-166 zaishens medaillions (offers for 10 by 10 or boths)
I was not happy to make this thread and not good luck :c
(mods dont delete that, im just rolling this is a real thread take commentary for irony ~~)
EDIT : Sorry got no time atm, but ill make b/o really soon (just tomorow, its 3am here), and add details too ~~ (forget HCT /HSR )
And for your questions : send me a pm, or wait my future bump
For pleikki : ill add my b/o for 90% (with crys) of these items, my war hammer is the spyked one.
and i keeped that for ...i dunno, fun ? anyway : it's by doing whatever
that one becomes whoever
1000e on r13 +5e cryst
And skin on r8warhammer no mod?
and i ask. why uve saved all those? O.o
And skin on r8warhammer no mod?
and i ask. why uve saved all those? O.o
Lithril Ashwalker
50e for the ENTIRE MIXED DYE as a set
ign: Lithril Ashwalker
ign: Lithril Ashwalker
Lynette Le Sange
Zodiac Scepter Q9 curses 10 / 5^50 <<(HCT or HSR?) 7e either way
EDIT: Tyvm for the clarification, retract on zodiac staff.
IGN: Lynette Le Sange
EDIT: Tyvm for the clarification, retract on zodiac staff.
IGN: Lynette Le Sange
7/orange + green
8/yellow +yellow + silver
9/yellow +silver
10/blue +blue
15e ea, let me know b/o plz
IGN Marcella Ranger
8/yellow +yellow + silver
9/yellow +silver
10/blue +blue
15e ea, let me know b/o plz
IGN Marcella Ranger
Mig Coconut
50k on oni blade
IGN: Migrating Koconut
IGN: Migrating Koconut
Zodiac Staff Q8 restauration 0%/ 19% restoration 26e
coast monk
coast monk
Luke D
Round shield :
- Q11tact -2 ench -2 wtance
IGN Lorelei Sigent
- Q11tact -2 ench -2 wtance
IGN Lorelei Sigent
Frozen Ele
Fire staff prenerfed (dead skin) :
- Q11 fire dmg 10-20 15% water /19% earth
20k, pm me if you have a b/o in mind
- Q11 fire dmg 10-20 15% water /19% earth
20k, pm me if you have a b/o in mind
Dimmuborgir Satan
I have interist in plenty items...
i actually want ALL prenerf saves... xD
but i selected a few now.
I marked the most important items in bold....
i guess we talk how much u want for the whole lot i give here.
- Q12 air 9% HSR / 19% HCT air magic --- 1.5k
Q9communing max energy dmg 10-19 0%/19% channeling HSR --- 2k
- Q6 11-19 energy+9 20%illu HSR /19%dom HCT --- 1.5k
- Q7smite +8energy dmg 9-16 20%prot HCT /10% HSR --- 1.5k
Dead Sword UNINSC and NO dmg mods [Buggued Item] Q10 --- 1k
- FDS Q7 fire dmg +30 max dmg 18e do u accept 15e as b/o??
War hammer spiked skin ofc :- Q8 no inhrent --- 10k
Bronze shield - Q7tact al 16 WHITE 6e
- Magma Q7 Al 16 +20hp BLUE and non isnc (so str anyway) --- 15k
-glitched grey dye O___O i want........... O_____________O 50k???
O________________O I want grey xD
-bow sundering, depending on price.
ALSO we might trade some runes, we have to see ingame...
Maybe we can include some of my oldschool runes in the payment.
i have some very sick ones (blue -50 major runes, some with small icon, some blue superior runes, etcetc... but i dont know by hard which attributes they are.)
i send my ign via PM...
i actually want ALL prenerf saves... xD
but i selected a few now.
I marked the most important items in bold....
i guess we talk how much u want for the whole lot i give here.
- Q12 air 9% HSR / 19% HCT air magic --- 1.5k
Q9communing max energy dmg 10-19 0%/19% channeling HSR --- 2k
- Q6 11-19 energy+9 20%illu HSR /19%dom HCT --- 1.5k
- Q7smite +8energy dmg 9-16 20%prot HCT /10% HSR --- 1.5k
Dead Sword UNINSC and NO dmg mods [Buggued Item] Q10 --- 1k
- FDS Q7 fire dmg +30 max dmg 18e do u accept 15e as b/o??
War hammer spiked skin ofc :- Q8 no inhrent --- 10k
Bronze shield - Q7tact al 16 WHITE 6e
- Magma Q7 Al 16 +20hp BLUE and non isnc (so str anyway) --- 15k
-glitched grey dye O___O i want........... O_____________O 50k???
O________________O I want grey xD
-bow sundering, depending on price.
ALSO we might trade some runes, we have to see ingame...
Maybe we can include some of my oldschool runes in the payment.
i have some very sick ones (blue -50 major runes, some with small icon, some blue superior runes, etcetc... but i dont know by hard which attributes they are.)
i send my ign via PM...
Frozen Ele
Let me know on the fire staff
Accursed Staff prenerfd(PvP) :
- Q8 max curses 15 HSR /17 water magic HCT
10k, pm me if you have a b/o in mind
Accursed Staff prenerfd(PvP) :
- Q8 max curses 15 HSR /17 water magic HCT
10k, pm me if you have a b/o in mind
Lithril Ashwalker
60e on the set of mixed dyes
IGN: Lithril Ashwalker
IGN: Lithril Ashwalker