I would like a ferry to vizunah square local.
The price for vizunah local ferry can be agreed on by pm.
IGN: Matirion Maeronta
LF vizunah local ferry
Matirion Maeronta
Matirion Maeronta
Matirion Maeronta
Still need it.
I know that this isn't an offer, but I suggest you try finding a PUG (less than level 20, as they tend to be the most likely to have the quest chain) in Zen Daijjun, run the mission with/for them (easy because you prolly are level 20 and have heroes) and then ask politely whether or not you could join them on their primary quest chain. That's how I ended up doing it on all my non-faction characters.
Next Top Runner
PM me in game. My alt assassin can do this for you no problem.
EDT (GMT -6)
Main IGN: God Of Fissures
Alt IGN: Desolation Champion
EDT (GMT -6)
Main IGN: God Of Fissures
Alt IGN: Desolation Champion
Matirion Maeronta
Still haven't been able to contact him... Timezone difference and connection failure the days I can meet him doesn't help (ISP is providing maintenance this month, they mess up alot, no internet half the time)...