Closed: PC: Shield Collection


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2006


There is probably a lot of merch-food here, but on the chance that some of the shields can go towards a FoW-armor-fund or some of the mods are worth salvaging, I would appreciate some input.

#1 Aegis
(13 Tactics)
10 vs Slashing "The Riddle of Steel"

#2 Ebonhand Aegis of Fortitude
(13 Strength)
10 vs Blunt "Not the face!"

#3 Round Shield *non-inscribable
(13 Tactics)
43 hp^stance
10 vs Blunt

#4 Tower Shield
(13 Strength)
10 vs Piercing "Through Thick and Thin"

#5 Crude Shield of Valor
(13 Tactics)
59 hp^hexed
-5^20% "Luck of the Draw"

#6 Tall Shield of Valor
(12 Tactics)
58 hp^hexed
10 vs Piercing "Through Thick and Thin"

#7 Ornate Buckler of Devotion
(12 Strength)
45 hp^ench
10 vs Piercing "Through Thick and Thin"

#8 Equine Aegis of Fortitude
(11 Command)
10 vs Fire "Sleep Now in the Fire"

#9 Oaken Aegis of Valor *purple
(11 Tactics)
56 hp^hexed
-2^ench "Sheltered by Faith"

#10 Goldleaf Defender of Fortitude
(11 Motivation)
10 vs Lightning "Riders on the Storm"

#11 Reinforced Buckler of Devotion
(10 Tactics)
43 hp^ench
10 vs Fire "Sleep Now in the Fire"

#12 Skeleton Shield of Devotion
(10 Tactics)
43 hp^ench
20% dazed "Soundness of Mind"

#13 Skeleton Shield
(10 Tactics)
20% Deep Wound "Strength of Body"

#14 Militia Shield of Valor
(10 Tactics)
58 hp^hexed
"Measure for Measure"

#15 Skull Shield
(9 Tactics)
10 vs Lightning "Riders on the Storm"

#16 Oaken Aegis of Valor
(9 Strength)
59 hp^hexed
10 vs Slashing "The Riddle of Steel"

#17 Oaken Aegis of Devotion
(9 Tactics)
43 hp^ench
20% Dazed "Soundness of Mind"

#18 Tall Shield of Endurance
(9 Tactics)
43 hp^stance
20% Dazed "Soundess of Mind"

#19 Spiked Targe of Devotion
(9 Tactics)
44 hp^ench
"Measure for Measure"

#20 Tall Shield of Endurance *AL 15 *blue
(8 Tactics)
37 hp^stance



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2008

Seafarer's Rest

Eternal Clarity [Ankh]


merch all q's above 10. and most 10's is safe to say. only q9's worth more than 5k would be the Oakens, 30kish for each. Spiked targes i'de Guess around 15k. the low blue merch, if not max with q8 worthless. q7 matches with 15al. hope that helps