how is my build for my rit?

Ghost Of Bob

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2011

Avalons Wraiths


ok i know its a pretty basic build,most everybody has it but also look at how my amor is doing too,

Boon of creation
Signet of Spirits
Armor of unfeeling
painful bond
Summon spirits

Head-communing +1, Spawning power +2, HP -35
chest-Communing +2,energy +3,HP -35
hands- channeling magic +2, HP -35
legs- hp+30,energy +2, eng. recov. +1
shoes- Armor+5(control 1 spirit),armour +5 (2 spirit),armor +5 (3 spirits)

any suggestions on the armour because it seems pretty good to me and has been working out so far,but if you guys can give me any improvements or any other builds it whould be cool


Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

*What's with all the major runes? You're screwing your health over for no particular reason. Spawning Power isn't particularly vital, so you don't need to have it so high. A better split would be Channeling 12+1+1 (or +2 or +3 depending on rune preference), 11+1 Communing and 6+1 Spawning (Spirit Siphon > Boon of Creation imo).
*Why do people run Summon Spirits? Unless you're facing a lot of AoE, it's not really useful for anything (and if you're facing serious AoE you're either using the wrong build or trying to farm in the wrong places).
*Insignia should be full Survivor's or Shaman's (Shaman's is better). Runes should be for each of your attributes and extra health in the spare slots.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2011

Santa Cruz



Pretty much what Marty said. I'll expand on his post and suggest you replace Summon Spirits with Shadowsong, in addition to everything else he suggested.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2007


Summon spirits is one of those skills that either suits some ppls needs or others dislike.
I like it because a few times you may need a hasty retreat if things go wrong and summing spirits on a retreat can give foes a slight block giving you a sec or 2 to run.
Also a few times you do get the bad instance where spirits sit and do sfa after being laid and summon spirits seems to wake them up



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2008


Ministry of Fate [MoF]


Summon spirits may be useful in areas with lots of AoE, but with careful positioning of the spirits and higher spawning power will work, too.

Anyway, you should put shaman's insignia on all your armor pieces, as Marty suggested and choose a chanelling headpeace. Also, use a shield/caster modded spear set for increased armor. Energy should be more than enough.



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2009

Battle Toadz


Def invest in shamans and get rid of some of those major runes like the others said. I actually like summon spirits tho because you can use it to move your spirits to the edge of a group to try to make them hit a certain target


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2011


I never use boon or similar, careful attention paid to spirit health means energy management is trivial.

I personally run radiants and attunements, as a Rt I rarely have to worry about taking direct damage, even solo farming UW, and the energy makes life easy.

Health isn't something I fuss over greatly either, I have various headpieces with superiors to suit, thus I run 16 points resto etc as needed, and 40/40 sets mostly to suit needs.

Mouse at Large

Mouse at Large

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005


Fuzzy Physics Institute


From my limited E/Rt farming experience, I find Summon Spirits useful to deal with popups. It provides an initial wall that allows you to retreat and set up your full-health spirits

However, if you are regularly farming an area where you know the mobs and their distribution, I can see how it would be less useful.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2008

UTC -5 or -6

I generally use RiT 2nd Sos for farming (i.e. plants in Holdings of Chokhin) and Summon Spirits, in conjuncion with Armor of Unfeeling, works well for me.

I set spirits, agro with Flatbow and back peddle a few steps, summon spirits and back peddle a few step, etc., etc., etc.

100 heal each summon keeps the spirits alive and I stay out of agro. Generally I can kill a 'group' with 1 spirit set.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


I don't see the downside to Superior runes, at least in Channeling and Communing. If you're playing the build right you shouldn't be taking any damage, that's what the spirits are for. If you get hit with a degen hex, just remove the superior pieces to temporarily buff your health.

I like Summon Spirits in areas with heavy healers since you can run past the frontliners (the spirits will still hold aggro) and drop your spirits just in range of the healer to take them down quickly. Other areas? Stick with some other skills.