DDoS attacks (GvG mAT issues?)
Malchior Devenholm
The winners aren't the ones who did the DoSing. The accused guild was banned from this tournament, and proceeded with the attacks anyway to cause as much chaos as possible.
Oh, that is so fail on their part lol. Couldn't even use the DoS to get the win!
Malchior Devenholm
Ariena Najea
Also, most of the IP addresses that were obtained were for American players. It is highly likely they would have been obliterated by the top European Guilds for whom they could not disconnect. The problem is that they could have knocked out Guilds who may have proceeded in the tournament.
I mean the overall plan. Though it caused mayhem, those who usually cheat do it to win (even if they are caught after, it's to be on top for their 15 minutes), but they weren't even close.
You know when corporations do illegal deeds but after all is said and done in court, they still wind up with a profit? Well this is like if they made no profit.
You know when corporations do illegal deeds but after all is said and done in court, they still wind up with a profit? Well this is like if they made no profit.
I just think it's "lol" that Ddosing is used for things like this... Even Dumb script kiddies, play smarter. Just my two cents.
Rob Roy The Divine
i know a few people that couldn't play the mat and had to drop out and let others play in there place.
This is kinda stupid, srsly, DDoSing in GW 2011... Are people that bad they cant play a faceroll dervish? XD
This is kinda stupid, srsly, DDoSing in GW 2011... Are people that bad they cant play a faceroll dervish? XD
Can someone give a description of the picture on the fake imageshack site?
Rob Roy The Divine
Can someone give a description of the picture on the fake imageshack site?
if you've been on it and are experiencing lag i recommend phoning your ISP and asking for a new IP address
For those people who dont believe this was happening. Heres my experience:
I went on the link on tuesday. Every single AT game from wednesday - Friday i failed to load into the game, but its not like a random DC, u just get MASSIVE lag exactly 10s before a game starts, and i mean exactly 10 seconds, not 11, not 9, and its always the same. U then lag out and dont load and ur team proceeds to lose the game.
The mat came on saturday, i thought what the hell i'll give it a try. First round, what a suprise, 10s before game i lag out. After that we got a new prot monk, cos we knew i would dc every round. Start of the 2nd round (im not playing now im just stood in the gh) 10s before match, dc'd off vent and gw again. 3rd round comes (presumably they noticed i stopped playing) and no dc. This really annoyed me tbh, i know the game is dead and all, but i still like to play the monthlies and i couldnt. sux.
Im not a retard on computers, but this was just too unbelievable to be a coincidence. I should also point out that every time i DC'd, i was able to reconnect to GW and vent within about 15seconds, much faster than ur average internet failure. My internet also never went down once, (u can see from the little network icon in the toolbar on windows), it just lagged out an insane amount.
I was able to play ladder gvg games, random arenas or anything else for the entire week with no problems. I only had problems during tournament games where i appeared on observe mode. The only exception to this was where we faced the serbian guild in a ladder match, and i dc'd like a million times during the game. And since their leader (who was also using an interupt bot at the time) was just sat there spamming "lol sly gangster owns" and "get a better connection prot", im gonna call shenanigans.
on the plus side, since the mat, ive had no problems loading into games, so im hoping they just gave up with this crap and got bored.
I went on the link on tuesday. Every single AT game from wednesday - Friday i failed to load into the game, but its not like a random DC, u just get MASSIVE lag exactly 10s before a game starts, and i mean exactly 10 seconds, not 11, not 9, and its always the same. U then lag out and dont load and ur team proceeds to lose the game.
The mat came on saturday, i thought what the hell i'll give it a try. First round, what a suprise, 10s before game i lag out. After that we got a new prot monk, cos we knew i would dc every round. Start of the 2nd round (im not playing now im just stood in the gh) 10s before match, dc'd off vent and gw again. 3rd round comes (presumably they noticed i stopped playing) and no dc. This really annoyed me tbh, i know the game is dead and all, but i still like to play the monthlies and i couldnt. sux.
Im not a retard on computers, but this was just too unbelievable to be a coincidence. I should also point out that every time i DC'd, i was able to reconnect to GW and vent within about 15seconds, much faster than ur average internet failure. My internet also never went down once, (u can see from the little network icon in the toolbar on windows), it just lagged out an insane amount.
I was able to play ladder gvg games, random arenas or anything else for the entire week with no problems. I only had problems during tournament games where i appeared on observe mode. The only exception to this was where we faced the serbian guild in a ladder match, and i dc'd like a million times during the game. And since their leader (who was also using an interupt bot at the time) was just sat there spamming "lol sly gangster owns" and "get a better connection prot", im gonna call shenanigans.
on the plus side, since the mat, ive had no problems loading into games, so im hoping they just gave up with this crap and got bored.
It actually bans one of those multiple accounts. Then over time you ban more accounts. Even if they keep buying accounts then at least they're paying ArenaNet to ban their accounts. ArenaNet could IP ban them too, but why if they keep buying the game? It won't stop the general DDoS attacks; just the targeted ones.
so the serbians are back. "Dont Mess With The Wrong [Don]", im not claiming they are still using DDOS, as i havent noticed it. Im also not aware of them still using the interupt bot, although i have no doubt they will at some point in the near future.
What does amaze me though, half the team if not more from the match i saw of them on observe mode, are using the same character names (presumably same accounts) that they were using previously. So either they didnt get banned, or it was just temporary...
What does amaze me though, half the team if not more from the match i saw of them on observe mode, are using the same character names (presumably same accounts) that they were using previously. So either they didnt get banned, or it was just temporary...
I think the one that sent the URLs and the one that botted probably got perma banned.
unfortunately not. As far as i am aware, 'elir sweeps' was the one using the rupt bot, and im sure i saw him on obs last night.
If im not mistake this is the 2nd account of "sly gangster mmm", some terrible player who achieved fame through extensive blood spiking, and then buying loads of champ range guilds and syncing them against each other for free champion points. Sadly, any action taken against him will only affect 2nd account i presume, so it doesnt really change much.
If im not mistake this is the 2nd account of "sly gangster mmm", some terrible player who achieved fame through extensive blood spiking, and then buying loads of champ range guilds and syncing them against each other for free champion points. Sadly, any action taken against him will only affect 2nd account i presume, so it doesnt really change much.
Anet just needs to get rid of all of these kids for good, they are hurting the competitive scene.