Dragon's Throat


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2011


Is there any reason do this? Other than the 6 bosses to cap skills it seems that the only thing worthwhile is the 20k you get from beating the quarterly score.

What builds would you even run? You need party wide IMS as the map is so big and timer so short, and you can't use AoE because of the 100dmg natural death nova that every single monster has. Seems like you would be running a large amount of single target spells to try spike down mobs.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2008


It's an optional challenge mission. The only point to it is to let you get money.

Mig Coconut

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2009

Gulfstream Owners


Use blood bond, or a well protted single tank (spirit bond, shield of absorption). Fallback x2 is good, as is PI for the smite monks.

I've only really used it to cap skills, though.