Zealous Banded Spear of Shelter price check


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005

The Lore Enforcment


After a Long GW break I was lucky(?) to find this

Zealous Banded Spear of Shelter
Piercing Damage 14-27 (Require 10 Spear Mastery)
Energy Gain on Hit: 1
Energy Regeneration: -1
Armor +7 (vs. Physical Damage)
Inscription: "To The Pain!"
Damage +15%
Armor: -10 (While Attacking)

so my basic question is, what is a realistic price for it?

Thank you in Advance

ele kid

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2008




the spear itself isn't valuable as it is a common drop throughout NF and inscribable.
The spear itself should be "merched", but do salvage the zealous mod as it is in demand, e.g. KATHsc. spearmods are actually quite expensive and could quite possibly fetch over 10k.