Closed: PC on some Golds Please


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2010

The Black Dragon

hello, I have picked up a handfull of golds and was hopeing to get a price check on them. Im mainly looking for the price of the skins so mods/inscripts are omited. All weapons are maxed golds. This is my first time posting so if there is information I am missing please let me know. Thanks!

1. Q9 Tactics Emblazoned Defender
2. Q9 Archaic Hammer
3. Q9 Sharktooth Shield
4. Q10 Barbed Axe
5. Q11 Pyrewood staff - fire magic - (half skill recharge of spells 20%)
6. Q11 Spiraling Spear
7. Q11 Gilded Daggers
8. Q12 Aureate Longbow
9. Q10 Spawning Wand
10. Q9 Ripper Blade
11. Q9 Sunburst Spear
12. Q12 Sephis Axe
13. Q11 Ancient Daggers
14. Q10 Channeling Rod
15. Q10 Acien Axe
16. Q9 Tactics Diamond Aegis
17. Q10 War Axe
18. Q12 Gemstone Axe
19. Q9 Shining Gladious
20. Q9 Conjuring Staff - spawning power - half skill recharge of spell 20%
21. Q10 Greater Highlander Blade
22. Q9 Supreme Bludgeoner
23. Q11 Dual Winged Axe
24. Q10 Crysocola Staff - Soul Reaping - Half skill recharge of spell 20%
25. Q9 Tactics Skeleton Shield

1. Q9 Hornbow (dragon skin) with +15% damage while enchanted
2. Q11 Archaic Axe with +15% damage while health over 50%
3. Q9 Tall Shield with +10 armor vs Cold


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2010

The Black Dragon

Anyone? Please?

Bright Star Shine

Bright Star Shine

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2009


Club of a Thousand Pandas [LOD???]


Originally Posted by AlreadyDead View Post
hello, I have picked up a handfull of golds and was hopeing to get a price check on them. Im mainly looking for the price of the skins so mods/inscripts are omited. All weapons are maxed golds. This is my first time posting so if there is information I am missing please let me know. Thanks!

1. Q9 Tactics Emblazoned Defender 10-15k
2. Q9 Archaic Hammermerch
3. Q9 Sharktooth Shield5-10k
4. Q10 Barbed Axemerch
5. Q11 Pyrewood staff - fire magic - (half skill recharge of spells 20%)merch
6. Q11 Spiraling Spearmerch
7. Q11 Gilded Daggersmerch
8. Q12 Aureate Longbowmerch
9. Q10 Spawning Wandmerch
10. Q9 Ripper Blade5k
11. Q9 Sunburst Spear5k
12. Q12 Sephis Axemerch
13. Q11 Ancient Daggersmerch
14. Q10 Channeling Rodmerch
15. Q10 Acien Axemerch
16. Q9 Tactics Diamond Aegis10-15k
17. Q10 War Axemerch
18. Q12 Gemstone Axemerch
19. Q9 Shining Gladious5k
20. Q9 Conjuring Staff - spawning power - half skill recharge of spell 20%merch
21. Q10 Greater Highlander Blademerch
22. Q9 Supreme Bludgeonermerch
23. Q11 Dual Winged Axemerch
24. Q10 Crysocola Staff - Soul Reaping - Half skill recharge of spell 20%merch
25. Q9 Tactics Skeleton Shieldmerch

1. Q9 Hornbow (dragon skin) with +15% damage while enchantedmerch
2. Q11 Archaic Axe with +15% damage while health over 50%merch
3. Q9 Tall Shield with +10 armor vs Coldmerch
Stop posting such long lists please, no one likes to PC those ,and you can always be sure that 95% of it is useless crap