Want to sell mini-pets undedicated.
to sell:
Celestial Ratx 1 85 K
Nornbear x 1 - 35k
Thorn Wolf x 1 - 6k each
already sold:
Whiptail Devourer
Jungle Troll
Fungal Wallow
Thorn Wolf
Wind Rider
Heket Warrior
Harpy Ranger
Cave Spider
Cloudtouched Simian
Forest Minotaur
I accept offer (to value) and change with Scroll of Hero's Insight and Scroll of the Lightbringer (-400g from Merchant).
I reserve the right to withdraw in any case some Mini-pet in the case has not been sold.
In game: Roikan Drake (it is better to arrange a meeting though MP).
Good game
![Big Grin](../Img/biggrin.gif)
Persephone La Amore : A+
don_the_vito: A+
Acinonyx Darrsroth: A+
Hardebeest: A+